𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚 - 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐝 ✰

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I love drugs. I love being shot.

I remember approaching a dock and seeing Rafe but I passed out before I made it off the boat

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I remember approaching a dock and seeing Rafe but I passed out before I made it off the boat.

Rafe's POV:

I was at Kelces house when Sarah called me, which in itself is weird enough. But I answered expecting her to be asking if I could pick her up, what I wasn't expecting was the pure panic in her voice. She was asking about a doctor I went to when Barry's little dirtbag friends shot me. I was intrigued into which little pogue is shot but when she said JJ's sister my heart sank.

I instantly headed outside and hopped in my truck. I told her to go to a dock and meet me there she agreed and I sped off .
I was there pretty quickly and I was pacing around the dock, I felt under pressure even though I wasn't with Jules, I still liked her. I mean she was a kind person, way out of my league but didn't care.

After a few minutes of me anxiously pacing up and down the dock. I saw their crappy white boat pull up and I saw the bloody mess which was meant to be Jules.
I watched as her eyes began to flutter, like she was fighting to keep them open.
"Hey, Jules! Wake up!" Maybank screamed at his sister.

I picked her up quickly and put her in the back of my truck. Sarah was sat beside me while Kie sat on the seat beside Jules. JJ, John b and Pope all climbed into the trunk and we hurried off.

The surgeon that fixed me up lived not too far from here but I was still speeding like my life depended on it.

I swerved into the dirt driveway and hopped out swinging open Jules' door and running over to the surgeons door .
"Yo, let me in. We need help!" I screamed while banging harshly on the door.

The door opened and revealed a clean looking woman. She had red hair and it was wrapped into a tight bun on the back of her head.

"What happened?" She asked staring at me.
"My friend got shot. In the lower stomach." I said frantically.
"Bring them in." She said while turning around and setting up.
I ran to the car and saw JJ and John b taking Jules out of the car. "Come on let's go!" I shouted.
We hurried inside and placed her on the table.
The surgeon began operating and I felt physically ill. I watched as Jules began to wake up. She looked confused and like she was in pain.
"There's no time for pain meds. You're going to have to do without if you want to live." The surgeon said.

"Just do it." Jules said while biting down on her lip.

"You're braver than me." The surgeon said before disappearing into a room and coming back with a scalpel.
I covered my eyes as the surgeon placed the scalpel into the wound. I heard Jules cry out and beg for her to stop.
"Fuck, I can't do this." I said while leaving the room.
I turned around and looked inside and saw John b and JJ holding her arms down while the surgeon tried stitching it back up.
I saw Sarah crying in Kie's arms while Jules screamed and begged to stop. She pleaded and begged but we couldn't, she'd die if we stopped.

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