𝐒𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ✰

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I quickly dropped my drink and ran over towards Rafe who was on top of a blonde haired boy

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I quickly dropped my drink and ran over towards Rafe who was on top of a blonde haired boy.
"Get off of him." I said while pulling at his arm.
Rafe ignored me and continued to throw punch after punch.
I got a good look at the blonde haired boy and realised it was Mason. His nose was bleeding badly along with his lip which looked like it was slit open.
"What are you doing?" I shouted while trying to grab Rafe.
Rafe finally stood up and looked at me with no look of remorse.
He looked back at Mason who was looking up at him with blood all over his face.
"Don't ever speak about her again or I will kill you. Do you understand?" He asked extremely calm.
The blonde boy spat out some blood before nodding.
"Good." He said before walking towards me.
"Can we go?" He asked while looking down at me.
As angry as I was, I have to admit he looked hot as fuck.
"What was that about?" I asked while following after him.
"A disagreement." He said with a shrug.
"No. Rafe. Talk. What the fuck just happened? I thought you two were good." I said while poking his back.
Rafe turned around to look at me and sighed.
"He's a shit talker, he had a lot to say and I disagreed with what he said so we had a little argument and he hit first not me." He said while turning back around to continue walking.
"So.. you think violence just helped that so much? Look at your hand." I said while grabbing his blood soaked hand.

"It's not mine." He said while walking off.

What the fuck was that.. I'm going to literally kill him. We can't have anything nice ?

I walked back inside the party and told Sarah and JJ we had to go since Rafe just bet the host.
They looked confused before nodding and following after me.
Once outside we saw Rafe sat in my car playing on his phone.
"Wanna explain to me what caused that arguments ?" I asked while looking at him.
"He was talking about you. I said he couldn't have you since well I have you so he thought it would be funny to make a joke about him and Sarah. It's not really a big deal." He said while continuing to scroll through his phone.
"Oh for fuck sake Rafe. He wasn't going to have me or Sarah it was a joke." I said while sitting in the passenger seat.
"You're defending him? He's creepy." Rafe said while looking up at me.
"You literally left him bloody at his own party, yes I'm defending him. You're a little drama queen." I spat.
"Do you like him?" He asked, ignoring everything I just said.
"What? Fuck off no." I said giving him a confused look.
"You liked him last night." He said with a shrug .
"I only did that to make you jealous.." I admitted.
"Awh it's like a love storyyyy!!" Sarah drunkenly yelled. I forgot they were back there.
"Shush." JJ said while putting his head in his hand.
"I have a headache. Can we get food?" JJ asked while winking.
I sighed and nodded.
"Can we get food?" I asked looking at Rafe.
"You did that to make me jealous?" He said with a smile, completely ignoring what I asked.
"No I just said it for fun." I said dryly.
"Hm. Psycho." He muttered while driving off.

Excuse me? How am I the psycho.. the guy jumped off a roof! And you'd think 'yeah no that's definitely enough for one night.' But no. Rafe continued to beat up the host of the party.. like hello??? How am I the psycho in this situation??

"Prick.." I muttered while looking out the window.
"Oh my god. The stars are beautiful tonight!! Open the window I wanna look out!" Sarah yelled loudly.
I jumped and stared at her. "You scared the shit out of me." I said while laughing.
"Please!" She pleaded.
I opened the sunroof and I heard Sarah gasp in awe.
"I'm gonna drop you two home, I promised I'd take Jules to dinner." He said while driving towards his house.
"Jules! Can I stay at yours?" JJ asked while leaning back into the car seat .
"Nooo you should stay at mine!" Sarah said excitedly.
"Yesss! I wanna live like a rich kook for one night!!" He said with a large smile on his face.
What are they on? I don't act like that while drunk...
"Okay then.." I said while laughing.
"Can you stay at mine tonight?" Rafe asked while looking at me.
"Sleepover!" I said loudly.
Sarah began laughing and agreeing. With what I'm not sure..
"I mean in my bed." Rafe said low enough for only us to hear.
I felt heat rising into my cheeks as he said that.
"Yeah mhm." I nodded.
Rafe smiled as we drove into the Cameron's large home.

"Oh and just order food because I'm not bringing shit back." He said to Sarah and JJ who were 'quietly' going inside.
They were crawling on the floor pretending to be spies sneaking into a secret location.
I couldn't help but laugh at them before Rafe drove off.
"Wait isn't there no one home?" I asked looking at Rafe.
"Yeah. I don't know why they're doing that." He replied while a smile crept onto his lips.
I was still angry with Rafe but it was hard to be angry when he looks and acts the way he does.

"What do you wanna eat?" He asked which instantly dragged me out of my thoughts.
I can't say that so I'll pick a fast food spot.
"The Wreck but I wanna eat it on the beach like we did last time !" I said excitedly .
"Alright." He said before driving towards the wreck.

Once again we were dressed half naked at the wreck.
I had put some sweatpants and a shirt in my back seat just in case. And thankfully I did.
I pulled them on and we walked inside.
It was obvious that we didn't belong since everyone was staring at us.
"Can I get a Caesar salad?" I asked looking up at Rafe.
"Mhm." He said while choosing what he wanted.
"Can I get a large cheeseburger meal and a Caesar Salad to go please?" Rafe asked the brown haired girl behind the counter.
The brown haired girl was watching him like she was hungry and he was food.
"Yeah, of course. What drinks would you like?" She asked watching him closely.
"Two strawberry milkshakes, both large. Thank you." He said dryly.
"Mhm of course." She said with a smile.
I felt a burning feeling of jealousy. I normally don't get jealous but I felt an unexplainable feeling of jealousy.
The girl handed him our food in a paper bag and smiled. "Have a nice night." She said .
"Thanks, you too." He said while turning towards me.
"Here you hold this I'll grab the drinks." He said while handing the food to me.
"Mhm, it's okay I understand you wanna talk to your little girlfriend some more." I said while walking towards the door.
"Oh for fucks sake." He said while laughing.
I didn't find this very funny at all. I'm not sure why I said that. But I don't regret it.
"Be careful everyone, the tyre slasher is angry." He said mockingly.
"Hm maybe I am." I said while grabbing my drink from his hand and sipping on it.
"You're such a child." He said while laughing.
"She was eye fucking you!" I said rather loudly.
"She was doing her job!" Rafe said while still laughing.
"Mhm. Sureeee." I said while going to walk out.
I only made it past the seating area when I saw Kiara.
"Kiara?" I asked looking at her with confusion.
"Oh. Hey Jules. I'm guessing you know what happened.." she said awkwardly.
I was still rather drunk so I didn't hold back at all.
"Yeah I think you're a real piece of shit. Sarah's your best friend. She deserves better than you." I spat before grabbing Rafe's arm and pulling him outside.

"That was kind of mean." Rafe said while trying to stifle a laugh.
"It's well deserved what can I say." I said with a shrug.
"Also I'm still not happy with you. Go back in and talk to your girlfriend." I said while rolling my eyes.
"Okay bye." He said while walking back inside still laughing.
I stood there in shock with the food in my hand.
"What the fuck.." I muttered while stood there staring at the door.
A few seconds later he came back out laughing loudly.
"You're such an idiot while drunk. I don't want anyone else, just you." He said while grabbing the food from my hand.
I was still stood there in disbelief.
"That was mean." I said while sipping on my milkshake.
"So was what you said to Kiara." He said while looking down at me.
"She hurt Sarah!" I protested.
"Mhm, not you though. You need to let her explain I think." He replied.
I sighed dramatically and then leaned back on my car.
"Can you go get her? I'm too lazy." I said while sitting on the car bonnet. Rafe laughed and headed back inside.

A few seconds he came out with Kie who looked shameful.

Psycho Rafe only comes out a few times in this story, I promise! He is just a proactive type of guy.
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and having a good day ❤️

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