daylight - harry styles

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After collecting my thoughts I rejoined the pogues and Rafe in the kitchen

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After collecting my thoughts I rejoined the pogues and Rafe in the kitchen.
I was expecting JJ to have gone somewhere or be different but instead he was his usual talkative self.
"JB can you pass the syrup?" JJ hummed.
"So. Uh, how've you two been?" Kie asked while looking between Rafe and I.
Where do I start?? 'Rafe cheated, I ran away to the chateau because I'm pathetic and can't handle emotions, my mom died! Rafe came back, Rafe helped me plan the funeral, Rafe came to the funeral, Rafe took me to the Bahama house, eh? I think I'm forgetting something.. oh yes! Rafe got in a fight for me, I broke a bottle over some pervs head.. we flew home.. uh I wanted to kill myself... I don't know.' If I say any of those things I'll sound insane.

I watched as Rafe met my gaze, he's probably thinking the same thing.
"Uh.. you know? Good, same old." I shrugged while taking a waffle and dropping it on my plate.
"Oh?" Sarah said with a concerned expression while moving her eyes between us.
Sarah's particularly good at reading people and she's extremely good at seeing when people are lying..
"Yeah. Anyway, how's everyone feeling?" I said while quickly trying to change the topic.
"I feel great. I slept the whole boat ride here, John b and JJ did all the work I suppose." Kie shrugged.
"Excuse you. I was doing extremely important work, I was keeping JJ and John b awake while you and Sarah slept." Pope said dramatically while tossing a piece of pancake in his mouth.
"I feel like dogshit, I missed my bed, and showers, but mainly my bed." Sarah nodded while a smile spread on her lips.
"You didn't even miss me?" Rafe said while pretending to be hurt.
"Not at all honestly. Lowkey forgot I had a brother." Sarah shrugged ironically.
"Ouch." Rafe mumbled while taking the plate away from his sister.
"What are you doing you pig?" Sarah scoffed while trying to grab her plate back.
"You don't miss me, you can't miss my cooking." He shrugged.
"Okay, fine. I suppose I missed you." She said while a small grin appeared on her lips.
"Thank you." He said with a flat smile before taking the plate and placing it back on the kitchen island.
"Finally. Fuckface." Sarah muttered while sitting down.

After we had breakfast, we spent most of the day relaxing, smoking some weed, drinking and dancing.
I'm confused as to why JJ hasn't told his friends but I respect his decision.
"Ugh I love how Ward is gone. We get to smoke inside. He'd go batshit crazy if he knew we were smoking inside his house." Sarah laughed while taking another hit from the blunt.
"Facts." JJ laughed before dropping his head into Sarah's lap and taking the blunt from her before sitting up again.
"Rafeeee." Sarah whined.
I watched as an idea sparked in Sarah's head.
"Oh, Rafeypoo??" Sarah called out to Rafe who was busy grabbing the rest of his stash.
"Rafecicle? Where are you brothero?" She called out loudly.
"What is she doing?" John b asked.
"Summoning Rafey dearest." Sarah nodded.
"Kie! I have an idea!" Sarah said while grabbing Kie who was lay on the couch.
I watched as Sarah whispered into Kie's ear before stepping back to see the excitement on both their faces.
"Jules, come here! We have a secret plan..." Sarah said while walking towards me.
I crawled off the couch and stumbled into a stand before standing beside the two girls.

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