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"You fuckers ready to party!?!" Noah cheers at me and Olivia as he plugs his phone into the aux cord.

I giggle, hearing the common tune of Eenie Meenie pour through the speakers.

'She's indecisive..'

'she can't decide'

Who the hell came up with that line anyway? 

I laugh to myself and look over at Olivia and Noah, who have already started dancing in the empty living room.

We both came over right after the game to help Noah set up for the party. We brought a change of clothes in our bags, not needing to put on any makeup or anything since it was already done from the game. 

A tight red dress hugs my curves, the fabric ending just above my knee. I'm glad Lucas isn't here yet to complain about it, but I'll probably be drunk enough at that point to not care anyway.

Noah had us set up some LED lights and asked our opinions on what type of alcohol to put out. I reminded him that as long as it's free, college students would practically lick beer up off the floor.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Noah exclaims, lowering the music a little bit so it now remains subtle background noise. He walks over to a room that is separated from the main party areas and comes back, a keg now rolling in front of him.

"Oh boy. Definitely don't let me near that tonight," I giggle at both of them.

Glancing down at his shoes, Noah looks up at me with a goofy smile. "Don't you worry El, these shoes are old as shit anyway!"

I playfully slap his shoulder, all three of us laughing at the memory. 

However, my laughter is short-lived when I notice Blake in the corner of my eye. He's a room over sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

He's scrolling through his phone and skipping on a glass of what appears to be whiskey. 

I almost forgot he was here, I haven't seen him in over a half hour.

When Olivia and I arrived soon after them, he immediately made his way into the kitchen, quickly taking a bottle of dark liquor out from one of the cabinets. Noah didn't act like anything was out of the ordinary or even acknowledge it, so this must be a common occurrence.

Noah doesn't throw parties too often, mostly only after really huge games or the start of the season. Usually, I am lucky enough to be able to avoid Blake for the whole night.

"So, when are people going to get here?" Olivia asks.

Noah checks his watch quickly before responding, "Probably a half hour or so." 

Pretty much every single person coming to the party was at the game earlier, so they need enough time to wash off their face paint and to get all ready.

We both nod, making our way over to sit on a couch in his living room. Olivia and Noah soon strike up a conversation and I pull out my phone, suddenly feeling like a bit of a third wheel.

I frown when I notice I have not one or two texts from Lucas, but six. I quickly click on his contact name to read them.

Lucas, 10:13 pm - Hey, I don't think I'm going to make it to Noah's tonight. Not feeling well.

I wonder if he is still feeling down about the game. After his angry outburst which ended up with him slamming his helmet on the ground, Coach Wilson didn't put him back in the game at all.

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