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"Do you want us to call anyone for you? One of your family members, a parent maybe?" the guard bringing me into the massive back room of the police department asks and I shake my head in disgust.

"Haven't spoken to my father in years. My friends are my family, and they know exactly where I am."

The officer nods and after being fingerprinted and photographed, he leads me to a holding cell. My hand painfully ached as he took my prints, it was just about healed from when I punched my mirror until today. The once scabbed-over gashes are now ripped open again, dried blood scattered all around them.

"Your bail should be posted tomorrow. Officer Ramirez called in a few special favors, and I am getting word that a warrant for Lucas Howard's arrest is being debated as we speak," he tells me, and I nod.

After feeling completely numb since Olivia had to practically tear Elena's arms off from around my body, the small hope that this will all end up okay is the only thing keeping me from spiraling.

Despite everything that has happened, I would do it all again. Lucas needs to know that he can't hurt the people I care about, especially her. I would never pick up a football again if it meant keeping Elena safe.

I know that violence isn't always the answer and if I had a parent who actually gave a shit about me they might be disappointed in my actions, but I don't care in the slightest. After what Lucas threatened to do to Elena, I literally could have murdered him if she didn't stop me.

I've never been in love with someone before, but only just a few hours ago when I was in the car with Elena, I knew that's what I felt. There wasn't a drop of hesitation.

I would travel to the ends of the earth for that girl– do anything she asks of me without a second thought. I hope to god she still loves me the same after seeing me like that earlier, I don't know what I'd do if she left me.

As the guard closes my cell doors behind him, I remain completely and utterly alone.

I next look outside the dim window at the very top of my cell, quickly coming to the realization that the sun outside illuminating the space around me will be set within the hour.

Panic threatens to rise in my body as I desperately glance around the walls for any sort of light switch, noticing the already dark hallway. When I find nothing but chipped paint and concrete, I know the inevitable is coming: I'm going to be forced to sit in the pure darkness all night long, something I have not done in years.

Not wanting to spiral into a panic attack before it has to happen, I take a deep breath to gather myself, doing my best not to think about the ticking clock of the sunset.

As I gaze into the barren walls of this cold jail cell, my thoughts drift to the one person who means everything to me. Despite the darkness that is about to surround me, my feelings for Elena burn brighter than ever, shining a small glimmer of light upon the horrors of this situation.

I know it is entirely possible I will never play football again or even have to stay in jail for up to a year for the assault I committed. The thought of not being able to protect Elena and being trapped behind these steel bars makes me feel physically ill.

At that point, I'd probably attempt to escape somehow and drain my bank account to take us away. I'd take us away to a place where it's always sunny– a place where no more darkness can touch us.

I'm lost in my thoughts of Elena until the sun finally sets, and I can no longer ignore the impending panic threatening to take me over.

My hands grip the edges of my cot, my knuckles turning white as I cling to the remnants of control.

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