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After arguing for 5 minutes with each other about who gets the shower first, Blake ends up diving across my bed to sprint into the bathroom.

I pound on the door. "Blake! Let me in this instant!"

"Blake! Let me in this instant!" he imitates me in a high-pitched voice, not even sounding anything like me.

I soon hear the shower water turn on, I know my efforts are useless. "I'm gonna turn off the water heater!"

"Sorry Sunshine, I can't hear you!" 

I can't help but smile to myself at his playful mood and I decide to just let him win this one. If he doesn't leave me any hot water though, next time he is showering with my hose outside. 

You'd never know Blake had another nightmare last night due to his cheerful energy right now. It wasn't as bad as the one the other night, but it still took a good 20 minutes to calm him down before he could go back to sleep.

It happened the same way as last time, him muttering quiet words in his sleep until he screamed himself awake.

It hurts my heart to think about all the times he must've had them in the past with nobody there to help him. From what I can gather, it seems that they happen almost every time he sleeps. 

In the meantime, I take a few minutes to pick out my outfit for the interview at Blake's house. From what Olivia told me, they might take a few pictures of us, so I don't want to show up in Blake's XL hoodie and leggings. 

Now that we are nearly at the end of September it's getting a bit colder, so I decide on a pair of basic mom jeans with a cropped white sweater. I dig into my sock drawer and pick out a pair with footballs on them, it seems appropriate for the occasion.

I lay all the clothes out neatly on my bed so they will be ready for me after my shower. 

It then occurs to me that Blake doesn't have a t-shirt to wear. He can always change when he gets to his house, but he's had the same white t-shirt on for a day and a half now so that's kinda gross.

I dig into the very bottom of my PJ shirt drawer and find a Nirvana one that is a size XL. I love to sleep in baggy shirts, so I bet this will be a perfect fit for Blake. 

"I put a shirt for you on my bed, when are you gonna be done?" I call out through the door.

"Almost done. Your soap is going to make me smell like a woman though."

I laugh. "Good. That's what you deserve for being a shower-stealer! Especially from someone who is injured!"

Luckily, my head doesn't hurt nearly as bad today. I get small waves of pain here and there, but nothing major.

I still have to wait two weeks before going back to practice, but James even took it upon himself to let my professors know what happened, so I will also be going to class on Zoom for the next two weeks so I can rest as much as possible.

A minute later the bathroom door opens and Blake steps out. I immediately take notice of his bare chest and quickly speed by before he can see me blush.

I zoom by him and slam the door shut. 

"Good morning to you too then," he scoffs humorously. 

Since I washed my hair last night, I tie it up and take a quick body shower. 

I soon notice a substantial amount of my body wash is gone, more than half the bottle when I just bought it last week. How much body wash can a person possibly use? 

I guess he likes smelling like a woman. 

I hear Blake's voice again as I wash all the suds off my legs. "Hurry your ass up, we gotta be at my house in 30 minutes!"

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