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Bright light coming in through the window shines over my face as I open my eyes slightly.

Blinking around the room confusingly, I take in the unfamiliar surroundings until all the memories of last night come flooding back into my mind; they're a crushing reminder that my fight with Lucas was very much real and not some crazy dream.

My eyes still feel puffy and watery from last night's events and I bring my hands to my face, trying to relieve some of the pressure in them. I'm unfortunately one of those people whose eyes become painfully swollen from crying, and it's always worse the next morning.

I glance over to Olivia who is still sound asleep next to me on her stomach, drool pooling out the corner of her mouth.

Giggling slightly, I reach for my phone to check the time, it's 7:30 am. I can't help but notice the 2 texts I have from Lucas. I decide to open them, knowing I'll have to eventually anyway.

Lucas, 6:34 am - I'm sorry for everything last night. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. 

Lucas, 7:11 am - My mom will be here to pick me up soon for my surgery. Wish me luck. I hope you have a great weekend. No talking to Blake though. I hope we can work through our issues when you come back.

I roll my eyes at his not-so-subtle need to mention Blake before responding. 

Me, 7:34 am - Good luck with the surgery, text me how it went after you wake up. I won't be able to talk to you much this weekend between the plane rides and the game, so we can talk more on Sunday when I get back. 

I take a deep breath, forcing my phone back into my pocket before I rise from the bed. I quickly tip-toe out of the room, not wanting to wake Olivia. I know she has an alarm set for 8 so I don't need to worry about waking her up. 

I make my way to the front door, grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter. I need to go home for some last-minute packing and to get ready. 

When I packed my bag for Lucas' house I also packed most of the stuff I'll need for this weekend, but I'm still missing a few key items though, like my toothbrush and extra tampons.

I pull up to my house and I hastily make it inside, not wanting to be late. Before I can forget, I send a quick group text to Noah and Olivia letting them know that I left.

It's now 7:50 am and I have to be at the airport by 9, luckily it's only a 10-minute drive though, pretty much like everything else in this town.

I make it to my bathroom and turn on the shower before peeling Blake's sweatshirt off of me. 

Instead of letting it lie on my bathroom floor like the rest of my clothes, I bring it over to my room and rest it gently on my bed before walking back to the shower that has now fully heated up, steam rising up into the air.

I step in and quickly wash my tangled hair and lazily shave my legs, a short stubble having grown over them the last few days at Lucas' house. 

I scrub my skin harsher than I mean to, almost like I am trying to scrub anyway the painful memories from last night. The lavender scent of my bath products helps to relax me slightly, but not much.

All clean now, I step out and quickly dry myself off, wrapping a towel around my head to dry my hair before brushing my teeth.

I walk over to my closet, trying to decide what to wear to the airport. I like to be comfy, but it's only a three-hour flight after all.

I decide on a pair of black Lululemon sweatpants with a cropped olive green tank top from Urban Outfitters. I lean over to pick up my plain white zip-up and throw it over my shoulders before deciding I'm happy with my outfit and feeling cozy at the same time. 

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