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"Okay everyone, remember that assignment 1 is due by midnight on September 4th, I am going to ask some practice questions. And don't forget..." Professor Johnson lectures to our Sociology class as I start to zone out.

Looking around the room, I notice nobody else is really paying attention either. People are either sleeping, on their phones, or quietly whispering to their friends, buzzing about tonight's game.

My eyes burn with tiredness, punishing me for staying up too late last night on Xbox after practice. Why the hell did I schedule my squad for a 7 am meet-up again?

"Elena!" I suddenly hear my name being called out by my professor and I flinch in my seat. "Sociological research is never used as a political tool. True or false?"

"Uh.. false," I murmur, my cheeks feeling hot.

This professor always calls on students randomly and it's kinda annoying.


To my relief, he calls on someone else now, and I am free to completely tune him out.

I glance over at Olivia, who appears to be texting Noah, to no surprise. He also happens to be across the room in our same lecture hall, looking like he's trying to keep a laugh in while reading his phone, glancing over at Olivia once or twice every so often.

I look over at the body sitting next to him and see Blake leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

From this angle, I catch myself thinking that his face looks like it was sculpted by the gods or something, his jaw clenching slightly every time he chews the gum in his mouth.

His tongue slowly grazes across his plump lips, probably spreading the mint flavor from his gum to them. The number #11 from his jersey shines on his chest, his muscles peaking out from under the white material. His tattooed arms in contrast with his white jersey make his body almost look like it's glistening. I've never gotten close enough to him to see what all his tattoos are without being too obvious though.

It isn't until Blake stops looking at the ceiling and suddenly makes eye contact with me that I realize what I'm doing.


He locks his eyes intensely with mine, almost having a curious expression on his face. That expression is soon replaced with one of annoyance as he rolls his eyes to break the contact, looking back up a the ceiling again.

What's so interesting up there anyway?

I look up and don't see anything besides the annoyingly bright ceiling light that makes me squint.

I quickly turn away, letting the whispering giggles of Olivia fill my mind instead.

This intro class is honestly pretty useless, it's full of seniors who needed one last elective credit to graduate. Lucas was originally going to take it with me, but it was full. I didn't hear the end of that argument for a while.

He tried to get me to switch into one of his classes, but I said no way, everyone on campus knows that this class is an easy A.

All of a sudden students start packing up their bags, signaling that class has ended.

There is excitement in the air due to the 1st football game of the season tonight, we're playing against the Oregon Ducks. The game starts at 6, but all the players and cheerleaders have to be there by 5.

Before I can even sling my backpack over my shoulder, Olivia drags me over to Noah and Blake and I can already see the annoyed look forming on one of their faces.

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