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After James takes a headcount about four times, we all make our way out of the airport over to the large vehicle parking lot. 

None of us ever check a bag, so we're all set to go with just our carry-ons. All the guy's football gear and equipment is driven over to the stadium by a massive truck the day before the game, so we can all pack light.

Our large group makes it outside to the parking garage designated for coach busses and trailers. Blake, Noah, Olivia, and I all walk in a line next to each other at the front of the group.

As I've come to expect, there are a few paparazzi waiting for us at the exit.

"Blake! Over here!"

"Is it true that you said this season would be an undefeated one for Ohio State?"

"How do you feel about playing against Wisconsin tomorrow with them currently holding the National Championship title?"

"How do you think Lucas Howard's injury is going to impact your starting lineup?

"Is it true that both you and Noah Scott are single?"

I hear multiple voices all speaking rapidly at once and the men shove their flashing cameras in our faces. A microphone suddenly hits Blake in the face, knocking his sunglasses off in the process.

Before I know what I am doing, I dive in front of Blake to block his body from the flashing cameras as he scrambles to the ground to pick up the glasses. 

Something tells me he doesn't like being photographed without them.

Blake hastily puts them back on his face and nods at me in appreciation. 

I can't imagine the stress of constantly having cameras shoved in my face, especially if I don't look my best on a given day. It happens to Blake the most out of all of us and I can tell he despises it. 

"Alright guys, that's enough, let us do our thing!" James yells to the crowd of swarming men. They back up a little bit once our group makes it over to our couch bus but remain flashing pictures.

I see our familiar driver, Melvin, wave to all of us through the windshield before getting out of the bus to help us with our luggage.

Along with James and some of the other buff guys on the team, luggage starts flying into the hidden compartments under the bus quickly. We all have our names on them from our flight, so the organization doesn't really matter. 

Olivia takes my hand and leads me over to the door. We sit down in one of the first rows with boys sitting in the row next to us.

It's 1:30 pm now and I let out a big sigh of relief from finally being off the plane. Luckily, our hotel is only 15 minutes or so from the airport.

After what seems like hours, all the luggage is loaded in and Melvin gets back on the bus.

"How is my favorite football team this fine afternoon? Excited for the game tomorrow?" Melvin asks cheerily through the bus intercom.

"Woooo!" a few cheerful students whoop back, earning a smile from him before we begin to pull out of the lot.

I glance over at Noah, who appears to be telling Blake about our plans tonight. I can't make out their whole conversation though, only bits and pieces. 

I don't know if Blake will come out with us as he never has before, but then again, with him, I've come to expect the unexpected.

"So... what the hell was that on the plane?" Olivia whispers to me, making sure nobody else can hear her.

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