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*Song for this chapter is linked. You'll know when to play it.

"Okay, we're here."

"Our super secretive date is just at The Grill?" Blake questions, raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Yes, but not to eat. They made a posting online this morning saying they'd be closed today due to the storm last night causing issues with their refrigeration units, and when I read it, an idea kinda sparked in me," I tell him nervously.

Blake's confused gaze meets mine and his brows furrow, and I take that as my chance to continue. 

"Obviously there is no pressure to do this and if you're mad at me for even suggesting it I'll completely understand... but you know how much I care about you and want to help you heal, right?" I begin. 

"Yes, but what are you suggesting?"

"Well... I thought maybe you could try driving my car around the empty lot." 

As I observe Blake's face, I struggle to read his expression. His lips part slightly, a mix of surprise and uncertainty lingering in his eyes, and I'm left thinking this was indeed a terrible idea.

A few seconds go by with no response and I swallow harshly. "Nevermind, it was a stupid idea. Let's just-"

"No," he cuts me off. "The idea isn't stupid at all."

"Really?" I squeak, still feeling overly nervous. 

Blake nods. "I'm not gonna lie and say even thinking about it doesn't have me scared shitless, but I can't spend the rest of my life driving a motorcycle and walking places," he sighs. "And if there is anyone in the world I'd want to take this step with, it's you." 

Blake's words wash me over with reassurance and I nod, reaching my hand out to give his a squeeze. "I'm really proud of you." 

He furrows his brows. "Proud?" 

I nod. "You've grown so much these last couple of months. You're learning how to step out of your comfort zone and slowly coming to terms with your past. Even considering getting behind the wheel is a huge step for you. Plus, you really did kick ass in our game today."

"It's all because of you though, you get that right?" Blake smiles. "You're the reason I haven't given up."

I lean in to kiss him at his words, not being able to hold back any longer.

His lips feel amazing against mine as they always do, the passion in our embrace never lessening despite how many times we have kissed by now.

I pull away after a few seconds and chuckle. "Okay, let's not get sidetracked here."

"Alright, alright," he mutters, getting out and jogging over to my side of the car. 

At first, I appreciate Blake's gentlemanly gesture when he opens my door and offers me a hand, but I soon realize his true intentions when he slaps my butt on the way out. 

"I'll remember that," I tease, sliding into the passenger seat. 

Despite our silly banter back and forth for the last couple of seconds, the arua in the car suddenly turns a bit somber.

Tiny droplets of rain patter down on the windshield and Blake runs silent. His sweaty hands remain against his lap and he takes a deep breath.

"I literally haven't touched a steering wheel in over 5 years..." he whispers, his gaze fixed on it as if it is a ticking bomb.

My heart aches thinking about all the memories that must be flooding Blake's mind right now. I can only imagine how terrifying this must be for him, to finally confront one of the demons that has haunted him for so long.

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