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My cheeks instantly heat when I realize what Blake is implying about needing a shower too, the slight smirk across his plump lips undeniable. 

Slowly, he leans over to turn on the shower, positioning his body in front of mine. In an instant, all feelings of my sleepiness evaporate from my mind.

Blake's fingertips glide across the skin of my stomach beneath my hoodie, their cool and delicate touch sending shivers down my spine. He places a series of soft kisses on my lips before gently pulling the hoodie over my head, leaving goosebumps to trail across my exposed skin.

He doesn't waste another moment before ripping off his own hoodie, the appearance of his tattooed chest making me feel even hotter in the now steam-filled room. His arms snake around my back to effortlessly unclasp my bra which falls to the tile floor below us, our clothes mindlessly discarded in the wake of our sudden desperation for each other.

A gleam of hunger fills Blake's eyes when his hands slowly leave my back and move up to cradle my breasts. He leans down toward me, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispers into it. "I will never get sick of this view."

An electric surge courses through me at his touch and unable to resist any longer, I pull him into a passionate kiss, the hot shower behind us piling pockets of steam between our bodies. Reluctant to part our lips for even a moment, we keep them connected as we struggle to pull our pants off. 

Without hesitation, I surrender myself to Blake's guidance, not even bothering to turn around as I let him guide me backward toward the shower. 

The steamy air embraces us as I feel the familiar glass door press against my back and I reach my arm around, pushing it open to allow us in, our lips remaining fused together in a deep kiss. 

The hot water crashes down on us, a weak comparison to the intense heat my skin feels just from his lips against mine. My legs already tremble, threatening to give way under the weight of desire building inside my stomach.

We remain kissing for another minute before reluctantly pulling away, both of us breathless and already craving more. Blake reaches for some shampoo on the shelf, putting a squirt into his hair and plopping down a little on mine.

"Let me do it," I giggle, reaching my hands up to massage the suds through his curly hair.

As I begin to massage the shampoo into his hair, I raise my arms up, leaving my chest completely exposed. Blake's hands roam freely across my body, his fingers instantly finding my sensitive nipples to tease. 

Trying to maintain my balance and letting out a few pleasurable hums, I begin to wash my own hair as Blake continues to explore every inch of my naked body. 

He runs his hands up and down my curves slowly, trailing them upwards until one of them pauses at my neck, his fingers curling around its edges. 

"You look so sexy right now," he breathes out huskily, his words sending another shiver down my spine despite the hot water surrounding us. 

Having most of my shampoo rinsed out, I look up at Blake, his eyes filled with desire and hints of dominance. His grip on my throat remains firm as he leans down to kiss me again, his other hand palming my breast. 

I wrap my arms around his body and our kiss deepens, the water crashing down on the floor below us now a distant hum in contrast to the pounding heartbeat in my ears.

I can feel the familiar ache beginning to pulsate in my core as Blake's tongue glides against my bottom lip and I let out a soft moan into his mouth. As my lips part Blake presses his tongue against mine and they slide against each other together in an erotic rhythm, his hands now exploring all down my back and around my bum. 

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