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My eyelids feel heavy and I stretch my arms out wide, my muscles feeling a bit tense. 

As I shift my body around, I immediately notice there is no heavy weight against my body or curly hair tickling the tip of my nose. 

My bed is completely empty, a large and warm dip still in the mattress from where Blake was once sleeping. 

Frowning, I pick up my phone to check the time. I breathe out a sigh of relief when I see it's only 11:30 am, plenty of time for me to ready for the game.

Blake isn't anywhere in my room and the bathroom door that connects to it is open, letting me know he isn't simply showering or something. When I carefully listen for any noise from the kitchen or living room and hear nothing, I suddenly feel much more awake.

It's hard to imagine even for a second that Blake would leave without saying goodbye after last night's events, but I don't know what else to think. 

As I sit up from the bed, a painful twinge surges in my stomach when I remember how suddenly Blake left the last time he was here. Maybe this time he didn't even bother for me to wake up before leaving. 

Pathetically, I quickly search the rest of my house, even looking in the backyard for any sight of him. I check my phone again to see if he possibly sent me a text, but he didn't. 

The only messages I have are from Olivia and Noah asking why Blake gave me a ride home last night and a text from Lily, but I ignore them all and put it back into my pocket.

This being the last place to look, I scramble to my front door and can't help the sadness that washes over me when I realize his bike is nowhere to be found in my driveway.

I didn't expect Blake to stay for a morning cuddling session or even breakfast, but a simple goodbye would have been nice.

Maybe last night didn't mean to him what I thought it did. 

I take a deep breath and slowly make my way back into the kitchen, opening the fridge to see if there are any bagels for breakfast.

I curse myself out under my breath when I realize I used up the last of my groceries last week to make that huge breakfast for Blake, I've been eating at Noah's house or gotten takeout since then. 

Feeling more pathetic by the minute, I slam my fridge shut in annoyance. 

I glance over to the leftover snacks from last night on my counter and feel a painful tug in my chest at the reminder, there are a few leftover crumbs from the pizza we devoured still there.

Sighing, I decide to snack on a few Cheetos, I guess these will have to do.

I pull out my phone to finally read all my texts, needing something to occupy my racing mind. 

I'm halfway through reading Lily's when I suddenly drop my phone in surprise at the noise of my front door opening.

I jump out of my chair and whip my head around to my open door, breathing out a sigh of relief at the sight.

Blake is standing in the doorway with a couple of grocery bags looped around his arm, kicking his shoes off as he enters.

My heart leaps in my chest as I walk over to him in shock and he smiles up at me.

"You didn't have any food in your fridge so I went to the store. I wanted to surprise you, all I really know how to make is bagels though, so I got some of those. You weren't supposed to wake up yet," he frowns, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I nod, watching as he takes everything out of the bags and places the items on the counters. 

I take notice that he bought seven different types of cream cheese. On the table is plain, cinnamon, strawberry, smoked salmon, chive and onion, herb and garlic, and jalapeño. 

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