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A few minutes go by and the sun fully sets before I realize where Blake is taking me.

The familiar surroundings cause a smile to inevitability take over my face, but I am still confused, not knowing what we are doing here.

His bike pulls into the parking lot slowly before he takes the keys out of the ignition, standing up first and offering me a hand off the bike.

My legs aren't long enough to touch the ground, so I take advantage of his hand to keep me from stumbling off.

Both feet on the ground now, I peer up at the familiar stadium. "What are we doing here?"

He walks towards where the side doors are and motions for me to follow. "Shhh. You'll see, come on.

"How are we even going to get in? They lock it up every night!"

He has a confident vibe in his walk, sticking one of his hands into his pocket before replying.

"Being the all-star quarterback has its advantages," he smirks, pulling out a set of jingling keys.

I don't respond as my mouth feels dry all of a sudden.

Are me and Blake seriously about to break into the stadium at our own school?

What if someone catches us? I still don't understand why we are here.

Although he was definitely nicer to me tonight, I figured that was because he was around my parents. I'm afraid to say much to him about it because I know he can go from nice to cruel in a matter of seconds.

We walk towards the side of the stadium under an overhang that resides from the seats hundreds of feet above us. We're met with the side door that only athletes use to enter the stadium. He puts the keys in the lock and they click open with ease.

"You still haven't told me what we're doing here," I whisper as he quickly flicks on his phone flashlight, illuminating the darkness around us.

We walk through the doorway. "You're so annoying, chill for a sec."

I try to recover from his hurtful words as I follow him through. Us on the level ground, I can see the familiar field from here if I squint hard enough, the phone from his flashlight is not doing that great of a job.

He hastily makes it over to the control panel that resides near us on the edge of the field, looking like he is in a particular hurry for some reason.

He hits a few buttons on it and before I know it, I hear multiple lights being flicked on.

I glance over at the field in awe now, the whole thing is lit up by the powerful stadium lights.

Blake walks by me towards the field we have walked on hundreds of times before.

He walks until he is square in the middle of the field before sitting down, shifting his body so he is laying on his back.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I ask in genuine curiosity, not knowing if I should follow his lead.

Instead of responding, he simply pats the empty spot to him.

My legs feel like jelly as I bend them to lie down next to him. I carefully position my body a few inches away from him as I feel the ends of his curly hair brush ever so lightly against my temple.

"Now. Look up."

I open my eyes wide and a feeling of amazement washes over me.

The bright starry night shines back at us so clearly that you can see every single star in the sky.

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