authors note

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Wow... I can't believe Contrast is finally over! It's pretty bittersweet. I'm happy my it's finally complete but also very sad that Elena and Blake's story has officially come to an end.

I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to every single person who has read this story. I've met some awesome people in the comments along the way and I do my best to read every single one. Also, a special thank you to those who have posted on social media about my story. This book really picked up at one point because someone made a TikTok about it and it blew up! Your support means the world and I genuinely never DREAMED of reaching 10,000 reads, let alone over a million! I can't believe how much people enjoy my writing, I never thought it would stand out like it has!

I have an idea though— I was wondering if you guys would be interested in a Q & A chapter. I once read a story on here and the author did one at the end and I absolutely loved it and thought it was a cool idea. Plus, I do have a lot of you constantly asking me questions/I get the same questions often, so I think it might be super fun to answer a bunch of them! Questions can be about anything (the inspiration for the characters/story, general questions about the story, plans for the future, plot lines inspo, things planned from the beginning/what was added, writing in general, etc) Literally you can ask anything you're curious about!

If you don't care/don't have any questions, then feel free to click off <3 I love you and thank you for your support. 

If you do have any questions you want answered, leave them HERE in this comment line so they're all together.

Pending I get enough questions, I will post the Q&A chapter on August 26th :)

LOVE YA'LL SM. Blena 4ever. 

- Jade <3

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