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I snap my head back over to my parents quickly, almost giving myself whiplash in the process.

To my horror, my parents both have an awe-struck look on their faces.

"Isn't that the quarterback?!" my dad chirps excitedly. He's always had a thing for college football, he was over the moon when he found out I was accepted to cheer for Ohio State.

"Yes, it is," I mutter quietly, trying my best to act like nothing is wrong, and seeing Blake at The Grill is just like any other casual Thursday night.

"Lena, tell him to come over here! You just said you're friends right?!" my mom chimes in, playfully swatting at my arm. "I know you're with Lucas and all, but you never told me how handsome is he!"

"I don't know, him and I aren't really-" I start, but I'm suddenly knocked silent in shock when I see my star-struck father suddenly extend his arm to wave across the restaurant.

My heart sinks at knowing who exactly he is waving to and what is about to happen.

I turn to see Blake slowly making our way over to our booth, and before I know it, he's standing next to all of us.

I stare down at the plate in front of me, my face burning with embarrassment, refusing to look at any of them.

"Don't be rude Lena, introduce us," my dad cheers, looking up at the massive 6'4 quarterback in front of him whom he's only ever seen on the TV.

I slowly lift my head up to look at Blake.

He's now next to my dad with a friendly grin on his face, definitely different than the usual cocky smirk he has.

"Mom, Dad, this is Blake. Blake, these are my parents, Mike and Kate," I say quietly, secretly wishing that The Grill would suddenly burst into flames and take me with it.

"Very nice to meet you two, I'm Blake," he says kindly, shaking my father's hand firmly.

"Sit down, sit down! We'd love to hear about how the season is going, especially how our little Lena is doing," my mother gushes, motioning at the empty spot next to me.

"Oh Mom, no, I'm sure he's busy and I-"

"Sure, I'd love to sit."

His body quickly moves down next to mine and all the oxygen feels like it's suddenly been sucked out of my lungs, not allowing me to get another word out.

I glance around in horror to see my parents staring at Blake now, leaning forward like they don't want to miss a single word he says.

"So, the season has been going great. Me and Noah, who I'm sure you know, have been coming up with some really awesome plays for the game on Saturday. As for Elena, she's definitely taking her responsibility as cheer captain seriously, the whole squad has never looked so good together," he tells my parents with a seemingly genuine grin painted across his lips.

Who is this imposter and what has he done with the real Blake?

My father smiles. "That's great to hear! I'm glad Lena has found such a great group of friends. Her mother and I were always worried that she'd get to invested in her goals to where she wouldn't allow time for her social life."

Oh god.

I need to think of something, this conversation cannot be happening right now.

"Definitely, we all have a great time on the field together," Blake replies, glancing over at me with a smile.

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