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Bright light from the hotel window shines down on my eyelids, spreading warmth throughout every part of the room it touches. 

I keep my eyes closed, feeling so tired and cozy in this bed. I don't want this feeling to end yet.

I can feel Olivia's arm draped over my stomach, telling me she must've been in a cuddly mood last night.

My mouth feels extremely dry as I take a deep breath and turn my head to the side, trying to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep.

I suddenly feel a few strands of hair tickle the tip of my nose. It has a familiar minty scent. 

It feels so soft against my skin and makes me feel even cozier. I snuggle into Olivia's body, but it feels much harder than I remember. 

Why is Olivia wearing jeans in bed?

I suddenly snap my eyes open and the blood in my veins freezes at the sight I am met with.

Blake is practically lying on top of me with his head nuzzled deep into my side. His long arm is wrapped around me tight like he is holding on for dear life. 

I remain completely still in the bed, my mind racing as I try to piece together what happened last night, but all I can hear is the rapid thumping of my heartbeat. 

The last thing I remember is dancing with Blake at the club. After that, everything is fuzzy besides a few flashes of short memories, but I don't even know if they're real or not.

Why do I remember him carrying me?

Did he take off my makeup last night? 

I glance down at my body and instantly feel horrified. My heavy breathing continues to pick up as I feel the gravity of this situation hit me.

I am wearing a white t-shirt that is 3 sizes too big for me that may or may not be Blake's. Other than that, all I have on is my bra and underwear. 

I suddenly notice that I can still smell his cologne on it, confirming my thoughts that it is the one he was wearing last night.

So why isn't he shirtless then?

I turn to him again and take in a sharp breath. 


He's wearing the same champion hoodie that I brought with me on the trip. 

I immediately pray that he didn't randomly find it under my pillow, that would've been so embarrassing.

I rack my mind again, trying to come up with a solution for how this all could've happened, but there is nothing there. It's so frustrating to think and come up with absolutely nothing.

Blake stirs a bit, nuzzling his head into my armpit now. 

Oh god, I hope I don't smell. 

I glance down at him to see a soft expression on his face and I notice how peaceful he looks. I can't deny the overwhelming warmth I feel from his presence. 

I squeeze my eyes shut in a pathetic attempt to rack my brain again for memories of last night, but there is still nothing besides fuzzy pictures and voices so quiet I can't make out what they are saying.

I look over at the clock to see it's 9:16 am and a throbbing pain suddenly makes its way into my head. Nausea courses through me and I shiver slightly.

Maybe he got locked out of his room. I know Olivia and Noah said they were going to use it after the club, but Blake must've gone down to the hotel bar at some point like he always does. 

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