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As I dive into the room, I hold her wrist tight to drag us both in before I slam the door shut. If Coach heard it, at least he won't know which room it came from.

I move around Elena's body over to the door and glance out the peephole.

"Yep, Coach is out there now," I groan, mentally cursing at myself for getting myself into this situation.

Coach is a lot stricter than James, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did rounds every 20 minutes instead of every hour. We're all on the third floor, so it's not much ground to cover.

Why is this my life right now?

Seeming like she is sick of my attitude, Elena's drunk ass huffs and stumbles over to the beds in her room. 

I don't how the hell I ended up in this mess. I shouldn't have even come out in the first place, it's not like Noah forced me to. I just somehow found myself showering and picking out an outfit before I knew what was happening. Who knew this night would take this route? 

I never used to go out like this, I'd much rather be myself.

Either way, I'm gonna fucking kill Noah in the morning.

I guess it's technically not his fault for not knowing that Coach would be doing rounds instead of James, but still, I'm pissed. 

I begin to consider my options for a moment. I could go down to the bar and take my chances of being caught, pound onto the door to my room and demand to be let in, or just simply spend the night here on the second bed.

Noah might actually try to hurt me if I interrupted him and Oliva, though. I guess he's like actually in love with her or something, I don't know why.  

Noah mentioned to me before we left for the club that he and Olivia wanted the room to themselves for a few hours, but again, the plan was for me to be at the hotel bar the whole night. Clearly, that can't happen anymore unless I want to risk being benched for the game tomorrow. 

Every single brain cell in my head is screaming at me to leave this room and never look back. I know this shouldn't be happening.

My legs make a different decision, though, when I find myself walking further into the hotel room toward the beds.

To my horror, I soon realize there is actually only one bed, and Elena is laying directly in the middle of it, scrolling away on her phone without a care in the world. 

She suddenly drops her phone directly on her face, whining out a quick "oww" before picking it back up and scrolling again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mutter, walking over to the bed to sit down and take off my shoes. 

My feet are aching from supporting her body weight the entire walk home. Noah practically begged me for my help at the club and for some reason, my stupid ass agreed. I should've just said fuck no and walked out myself, it would serve her right. 

But, I felt bad for what happened earlier in the night with that guy. Good to know this is what being nice gets you.

"Can you hand me my water please?" Elena's small voice squeaks out from next to me. 

I glance over at her nightstand to see a water bottle, makeup wipes, and some type of medication.

I hand her the water. "Are you sick or something?"

She looks over at what I'm referring to before her goofy drunk grin turns into a bit of a frown.

"Uh no... those are my anti-depressants," she mumbles between large sips of water, spilling some on herself in the process. Her entire top half is soaked now, but she doesn't even seem to notice.

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