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It's only been two hours and Noah has already done 6 keg stands, each time with more and more people joining in to cheer him on. 

Olivia has been hanging with me the whole night, the two of us chilling on the couch most of the time watching Noah go crazy.

Both of us are sipping on a white claw and officially drunk now as we join in on the crazy cheers as Noah goes for another keg stand.

This time, however, instead of coming down and celebrating, Noah covers his mouth with an alarmed look on his face, quickly leaving the room and running over to his bathroom.

Olivia and I look at each other and instantly fall into a fit of laughter.

"Now can't make fun of me anymore!" I giggle, knowing he obviously ran away to go throw up. 

I guess seven keg stands is his limit.

"Well, at least he made it to the bathroom in time, unlike someone..." Olivia slurs, a goofy smile spread across her face.

"Oh shut up," I laugh, playfully swatting her arm.

Olivia stands up. "I'm going to go check on him."

I nod, not wanting to be left alone, but also not wanting Noah to be alone and sick either. 

I'm the type of person who if I see someone sick I'll get sick too, so it wouldn't be a good idea for me to go in there.

"Don't get lost on the way back," I wink, shooting her a suspicious eyebrow. 

"I can't guarantee anything!" she yells, zooming away through the crowd before I have a chance to respond.


If she and Noah both don't come back, I don't have anyone else to talk to. For some reason, Blake crosses my mind for a split second. 

I shake my head, taking a big gulp of my drink, trying to rid my thoughts of him. 

I told him I wouldn't talk to him tonight anyway. I don't even want to, why would I want to talk to someone so rude and vulgar? He is such an asshat for even making me promise that, acting like I'd go out of my way to talk to him in the first place.

Feeling a little bored now and almost out of my drink, I finally pull out my phone and check it for the first time since I put it on silent. My eyes almost bulge out of my head when I see 3 missed calls from Lucas and multiple texts. I groan, knowing what's coming as I click on the messages.

Lucas, 11:15 pm - Wow, way to ignore me

Lucas, 11:17 pm - Lena?

Lucas, 11:25 pm - Why don't you just come home? I miss you

I feel a twinge of guilt at his kind words for once. It's not like I don't care about him or anything, but sometimes I am just sick of him breathing down my neck. 

It's just because he loves me though, right?

Lucas, 11:45 pm - You better not be talking to any guys

Lucas, 11:58 pm - Lena?? Can you answer my calls please?

Lucas, 12:40 am - I'm about to drive over there if you don't answer me soon

I sigh, knowing I have to text him back. I do my best to squint closely at my phone and try to click the right buttons, the alcohol in my system impairing me a bit.

"Sorry, I accidentally put my phone on silent,"  I reply. 

Within seconds, I receive a text back.

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