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Undescribable heat is all I can feel radiating through my body, vibrating every one of my limbs. 

I feel a collection of rough kisses on my lower half, slowly making their way up to my bare chest. 

I can feel his own against mine, sweat sticking us together before he rises to hover slightly above me. His rough hands graze across my full breasts to cup them, and I feel my entire body shake in pleasure as his fingers lightly pinch on the most sensitive areas. 

A groan escapes my lips as I reach down his back, dragging my nails across his skin harshly in an attempt to relieve some of the tension rising quickly in my stomach. 

I squeeze my eyes tightly shut, worrying that if I open them, I will come undone right here and now.

I feel one of his hands leave my breast, now wrapping itself securely around my throat. He squeezes the sides of my neck with the perfect amount of pressure to give me the euphoric headrush I've been craving. 

His soft lips slowly make their way up to my jaw, slowly leaving trails of wet passion on every spot they touch. Every kiss brings me closer to where I need to get as he seductively sucks on the spots that drive me crazy.

I suddenly feel his other hand leave my chest, the other still tightly around my throat.

Electricity shoots through every nerve in my body as his light touch teases the extremely sensitive skin below my stomach. His fingertips barely graze the band of my panties, hooking them around his finger to slowly pull them down.

"Please," I choke out, barely able to handle the pressure in my lower region anymore, it is begging to be relieved. 

I can feel his throbbing member against my outer thigh, practically about to break out of his jeans.

"Shhhh.." I hear him purr seductively, finally bringing his lips to mine. 

They fit together like puzzle pieces; nothing has ever felt so right. His tongue gently slides into my mouth causing fireworks to shoot through my stomach at the contact.

His lips passionately burn against my own, only adding to my euphoric high.

I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, running one hand through his long hair to pull harshly at the roots. 

This time, a low groan escapes from his lips. 

I use my grip on his hair to pull his head back, exposing his neck. I lift my head up slightly to pepper his soft skin with wet kisses.

I suck harshly on the sensitive skin a few inches below his ear at the edge of his jaw and he breathes out another lustful moan.

His entire body begins to tremble above mine in pleasure, barely being able to hold himself up anymore.

I finally open my eyes, hungry to witness the pleasure I am causing him.

Passion burning in his emerald eyes bore into my own, both of us dangerously close to devouring the other.


My body suddenly jerks awake and I snap my eyes open.

I soon make contact with a pair of blue eyes, very different than the green ones I saw only a few seconds ago.

I reach over to grab the water bottle on my nightstand, wiping my sweaty forehead off with the back of my hand. 

The first sip of water slowly brings me back to reality, almost like my senses are being rehydrated. I pear over at my clock to see that it's around noon.

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