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"Chug, chug, chug, chug!" Noah chants at James from across the table, who is valiantly attempting to down an entire 16oz beer in one go.

It's a special occasion tonight—James' 30th birthday.

James told us a few days ago at practice that he wanted to fly down to see his family in California for his birthday, but the tickets were a bit out of his price range, especially only going for one day. So, we tried to plan the best fun-filled night we could for him at The Grill.

As we sit around the table, sharing food, sipping on drinks, and reminiscing about the incredible times we've had during our three years at Ohio State, I know the alcohol-infused atmosphere is going to lead to some revelations.  

After a week of dodging Olivia and Noah's questions about the situation with me and Blake's relationship, I think it's finally time to be more open about it. 

It's not that I don't want to tell them or don't trust them, I do, but things between us are just so perfect right now, and I'm afraid that speaking it aloud might shatter the illusion, making it feel almost too good to be true.

It hasn't been easy, considering we constantly show up at practice together and Blake spends every night at my house, even bringing some of his clothes over to leave in my drawers. 

We went to his house only once before practice this week. Blake told me he had to clean up some stuff around his room and after bickering back and forth for a few minutes about him not wanting me to come in, he finally agreed to let me help.

Stepping into his house again, I quickly realized why he was so adamant about me not coming in at first.

I was shocked to see the amount of blood and spare glass scattered around from the night of his hysteric panic attack. Despite that, I reassured him throughout the entire cleaning process, telling him that I am there for him. 

Blake took a day off from practice at the beginning of the week for his hand to heal, but he is quickly recovering and has been performing better than ever the last couple of days. I've been practically force-feeding him meals to replace the weight he lost, and he is slowly returning to the best version of himself. 

We have another game tomorrow, marking my official return after recovering from the concussion. I don't want to be too hungover, so I'm trying to pace myself with the drinks.

I've continued to receive more threatening texts from Lucas, each one crazier than the last. It's clear he's still on steroids, maybe even some harder drugs at this point now that he isn't being tested for them weekly.

I've considered blocking him, but Blake and I decided it might be better not to. If his threats get worse, then we could potentially have something to show the police to get him charged with actual stalking compared to just getting a restraining order that probably wouldn't work.

Even though I can't stand Abby, if she really is involved with Lucas as she implied, I hope he treats her better than he did me. 

Blake suddenly wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his body and out of my thoughts. As his arm moves, it shifts my hair, exposing the massive hickey he left on my neck a few hours before this dinner.

"Wow, Elena, did you get attacked by a bear or something?" James jokingly remarks.

"Yeah, a bear named Blake!" Noah laughs, and my cheeks immediately flush with embarrassment.

Boosted by the three vodka sodas I've consumed tonight, I respond with confidence, playfully retorting, "Oh shut it, Noah. Need I remind you how Olivia looked the morning in Wisconsin?"

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