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All I can feel is throbbing pain in my head, my body heavy and achy. The light shining through my eyelids is painfully bright.

I feel disoriented, not being able to tell why the material I am lying on feels so scratchy or why my mouth feels so dry. I try to move my body, but I can't. It's too heavy. 

I hear distant voices around me, but they sound muffled and far away. It's hard to focus on them, as if the person speaking keeps leaving and going. But I know I'm in a hospital room. The sterile smell fills my nostrils, and the steady beep of machines echoes in my ears. Everything feels hazy and disjointed, like pieces of a puzzle scattered without a clear picture.

It takes every ounce of effort to pry my eyes open, and when I do, the light feels like a thousand needles piercing through my skull. I squint, trying to adjust to my surroundings.

My gaze then falls on something that offers me a strange sense of comfort— a vivid shade of emerald green. It's a color I know, a color I trust. It draws me in like a light in the darkness, guiding me towards familiarity. 

And then, as my mind starts to clear the fog, I realize that I'm looking into Blake's eyes. Those beautiful, vibrant green eyes that have always held so much emotion - love, concern, and anxiety. I try to smile, but it's weak and feeble.

"Blake?" I manage to croak, my voice barely above a whisper. My vocal cords feel like they're on fire. "Why are you crying?"

Despite my confusion, the unmistakable features of relief wash over his previously anxious face. His hand takes mine, his touch grounding me in reality. "I'm here Sunshine, and I'm not crying anymore. I'm okay. You're okay."

I don't have to ask before Blake brings a cup of water to my face, letting me sip some from a straw. The cool water trailing down my throat offers me some relief, but I am in so much pain. 

"B... what happened?" The last thing I remember is being on our flight back from Miami. Everything after that is a blur. Panic starts to rise within me as I realize I can't move. My body feels like it's trapped, and I'm struggling to make sense of what's happening.

"You were in an accident, Sunshine. But don't worry. You're okay. The doctors are taking such great care of you," he whispers gently, pressing a kiss to my throbbing head.

His words begin to cut through the haze of fear, and I try to focus on the here and now. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "I'm okay?" I ask, my voice shaking with uncertainty.

"You're okay," he nods. 

"But I hate hospitals... Can we go home now?" I ask in a daze, my eyes feeling heavy again.

"I know you do, but I'm sorry, we can't go home baby, not yet," he tells me, tears welling in his eyes.

I close my eyes briefly, the exhaustion threatening to pull me back into the darkness. But when I open them again, I notice the stack of Harry Potter books next to Blake. The sight brings a small smile to my lips. "My books..."

Blake nods. "I brought them from home, I've been reading them to you every day."

"You have?" I whisper, my heart feeling warm. 

"Every single day for hours. We finished the first book in one day, took about 8 hours," he smiles. 

"How long have I... " I begin, but the heaviness in my body is taking over. "...I'm so tired, B."

He squeezes my hand. "I know Sunshine, just close your eyes and take a nap. I will be here when you wake up, I promise."

The comfort of his presence and the familiarity of his voice begin to lull me back to sleep, but before I drift off, I manage to murmur, "Read to me?"

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