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It's time ;)

Time seems to stand still as Blake's lips meet mine, a certain hunger behind the kiss as if we have been anticipating this moment for an eternity. 

A wave of euphoria washes over every nerve in my body at the feeling I've been craving since the day I met him.

Blake's soft lips continue to graze against mine and he doesn't wait another second before parting them with his tongue, and I let out a soft moan in pleasure.

Our tounges dance together in heated harmony, sending jolts of electricity through every one of my limbs.

I can feel Blake smile against my mouth as he roughly lifts my petite body up, placing me down on his lap to straddle him. 

I wrap my legs around his body tightly, wanting to feel as close to him as possible.

In his warm and tight embrace, our lips fuse together again in a passionate kiss. The world around us becomes a distant blur as our connection intensifies, sending shivers down my spine. 

Both of our hearts race rapidly, synced to the rhythm of this hot moment. I feel my body begin to sweat as the intense heat between us grows, pulling us closer together like magnets. 

Now that Blake has finally opened up to me, it's as if the two of us have been waiting our entire lives for this truly intimate moment, and now we finally have it. 

He knows that despite learning about the darkness within him, it doesn't change how I badly I want him, only strengthening our feelings for each other. 

Our chests heave together as our lips remained connected and I take the opportunity to explore his body. My hands leave the comfort of his neck down to his chest, now grazing across the skin peeking out below his t-shirt. My fingers enjoy the feeling of his hardened abs, all his muscles tight with sexual tension. 

Blake's hands don't remain on my jaw for long before they fall to my body, reaching every inch of skin he can find. 

His hands are both gentle and possessive, causing my skin to burn with every touch he leaves. 

I feel his hands explore the contours of my body, and I grind my hips forward eagerly. Every caress sends a ripple of sensations through me, like an explosion of desperation playing beneath my skin and through my bones.

One of Blake's hands travels around my back and up to my bra, unclasping the band with ease. 

"You're so perfect Sunshine," Blake groans, reaching his hands under my shirt to palm my breasts.

Blake's fingers lightly graze across my most sensitive areas and I moan into his mouth, wrapping my fingers in his tangled hair.

As I pull at the roots of his hair, Blake hungrily tears his lips away from mine to suck on my neck. 

Pleasure vibrates through me from the feeling of his wet lips on my skin and I grind my hips forward again, now being able to feel the pressure of his erect length against my core. 

Blake groans into my neck at the quickening movement and he brings his hands away from my breasts and down to my hips to grind them against himself harder and faster. 

Blake whines helplessly as I take more control now, pulling his hair back tight and leaning forward to kiss his neck. 

My lips leave a trail of kisses from his jaw down to his collarbone, and I can feel his hard length against me twitch with every graze of my lips. 

As my lips reach the edge of his jaw and Blake lets out another stifled groan, I suddenly feel my body being thrown off his lap before I can leave another kiss. 

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