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After a sudden cancelation call last night due to the storm heading in the direction of the team we were originally supposed to play, it's now Ohio versus Wisconsin again.

My first game back after my concussion has me buzzing with excitement. The team is even stronger than when I left it; Olivia has been doing an amazing job in my absence. 

I made sure to cook Blake a massive breakfast this morning. After his panic attack last night, I wanted him to feel as well-rested and fueled for today as possible. 

The rain is still trickling down on the field and reports say it might pick up again later today, but not until the evening. 

Stormy clouds cover the horizon as the boys scatter the field to warm up. 

"I think I'm still hungover," Olivia whines, throwing her pom poms on the ground to take a break. 

"I'm glad decided to sober up and drive everyone back," I chuckle, happy that I have a good amount of energy today. 

Despite the gloomy weather, the crowd in the stands buzzes with anticipation. Lily is here again, and it warms my heart to see her parents putting aside their differences despite the divorce and coming together for her. 

I sit down on the bench next to Olivia to drink some water. Our squad got here a little early and we've practiced pretty much everything and don't want to tire out too much before the actual game. 

Some girls head into the locker rooms and some scatter around, talking to their families on the sidelines. 

I feel a sharp pressure in my bladder from all the water I've been drinking and soon tell Olivia I am getting up to pee. 

Making my way toward the locker room, almost reaching the stadium entrance, I feel a gentle tug on my wrist. 

Expecting it to be Blake I turn around happily, puckering my lips and ready for a kiss.

Instead, I am met with an unfamiliar pair of brown eyes.

"Well sweetheart, if you wanna get into it right away then we can, but I was hoping to get your name first before a kiss," the stranger smirks, cockiness seeping through his tone. 

Judging by his uniform, I immediately know he's a player from Wisconsin, standing only an inch or two shorter than Blake.

"You really think a Wisconsin player should be hitting on a cheerleader from the opposing team?" I scoff, taking a step back to put some distance between us. 

He steps forward, closing the gap. "I noticed you at the last game but didn't have a chance to talk to you. Your eyes are absolutely beautiful."

I shake my head. "I appreciate the compliment, but I actually have-"

"My name is Ryan," he cuts me off. "Ryan Stillwell." 

He reaches out his hand for me to shake it, but I cross my arms around my chest instead. 

Where have I heard his name before?

I wrack my mind, thinking hard. 

"So what's that dickhead quarterback's name from Wisconsin again?"

"Ryan Stillwell. From what I've heard, he's a real piece of work."

Noah and Blake's short conversation from our hotel breakfast echoes in my mind and my gaze shifts into one of disapproval. 

"I actually have to go now," I tell Ryan quickly, turning to leave.

"Oh, come on, just talk to me for a minute," he pleads, wrapping his arm around my waist to turn me back towards him.

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