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We stand in the doorway hugging for what feels like hours but has probably only been a minute or two. I sob into Blake's shoulder, not bothering to hold a single tear back.

I've never been the type of person to display my emotions so openly like this, especially to Blake, but I simply can't control it right now.

"I got you Sunshine... you don't have to cry. I'm here now."

Blakes's hand slowly rubs my back in comfort, but for some reason, the gentle movement only makes me cry harder. 

Finally feeling his warm and safe touch after everything tonight with Lucas shoots uncontrollable emotion through every nerve in my body and all I can do is cry.

I continue to release every negative feeling of tonight into Blake's body and he only holds me tighter, whispering that everything will be okay and that I am safe now. 

Blake's hand reaches up to the back of my head as he lightly runs his fingers through my hair. His body supplies mine with massive amounts of warmth and I realize at this moment I will never be able to forget this feeling; I will never be able to not see Blake as a form of overwhelming comfort. 

Despite this being one of the darkest nights of my life, Blake simply being here for me has instantly brought back some of the light I so desperately need to keep going.

Even though I don't want to, I finally pull away to break our connection. If I didn't force myself to do it right now, I would've stood on my doorstep with him for hours. 

At this point, I've dripped more than enough snot on his shoulder and it's getting cold.

I shiver at the loss of contact and sniffle. "I'm sorry for making you come, I just-"

"C'mon, let's go inside," he interrupts me gently, grabbing onto my bruised wrist to lead me into the house.

Blake locks the door behind us and follows me to my room. When he takes in the surroundings, he lets out an audible gasp.

"What the hell happened? Why is there glass shattered on the ground? Is that a hole in the wall?!"

"L-L... Lucas did it," I croak, sitting down on the messy bed while he looks around the room in shock. 

Suddenly, Blake scrambles to sit down next to me. I avoid eye contact, somehow feeling almost ashamed of what took place here tonight. 

When I won't look at him, Blake brings his hands up to my cheeks gently, cupping my jaw to lift my head up. The pad of this thumb separates my bottom lip ever so slightly and he furrows his brows, glancing between my tear-filled eyes. 

"Did he hurt you?" 

"Sorta, not really, I don't know. He just really scared me... I was so scared Blake..." I whimper, unconsciously running my hands over my hurt wrists.

Blake's eyes trail down to the little spots of purple and red bruising that has already appeared on my delicate skin. His face contorts into one of anger and worry and he shakes his head.

"I'm going to fucking kill him... Lucas is a fucking dead man," Blake growls, running his fingers through his hair before he picks up one of my wrists to examine it.

His jaw clenches as he observes the harsh bruises, letting out an angry sigh. 

I know what Lucas did is completely disgusting and unacceptable, but I don't want to report him or for Blake to hurt him. 

I'm scared of what Lucas would do after the fact and I simply never want to see his face again. Obviously, he wouldn't be thrown in jail for very long for this type of assault, and I doubt a restraining order would keep him at bay. 

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