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The early July sun is high in the sky as Blake and I cruise down the open highway, the wind ruffling my hair and the scenery blurring past us. It's been about an hour since we set out on this road trip, and the anticipation has been building steadily with every mile we cover.

Never did I imagine that something as simple as the wind in my hair could feel so invigorating. But after spending the last four months in the hospital, followed by two months of physical therapy, finally being free from medical routines and clinical confines is a breath of fresh air like no other.

Physical therapy went extremely well once my leg was healed. It took me a few weeks to be able to walk without support, and then a few weeks of limping and almost falling down, and then finally being able to walk almost normal. I have a limp that might never go away, but Blake reassures me it isn't noticeable, even though I know it is. 

We're moving down to Miami in only a week from now, as Blake's training camp there starts in just a week. I'm nervous to actually be moving into a house with Blake in a state I've only ever been to a couple of times, but I also feel a mix of excitement. Since we had to miss our Harry Potter World visit because I was in the hospital, Blake promised to bring me right when we get there. 

While leaving the hospital behind has been a joy, the past month has come with its own set of challenges. Olivia and Noah have already moved to Washington, where Noah's training camp is. 

Noah and Blake promised us both that they'd buy us plane tickets whenever we want to visit each other, and I know we'll make use of them, but still, not seeing Olivia every day is tough. I smile thinking about the fact that the Dolphins and Seahawks are scheduled to play each other in a game in September. It will be strange but exciting to see Blake and Noah on opposing teams. 

Either way, according to Blake, it's common for football players to own homes all over the country, so it wouldn't surprise me if we eventually end up being their neighbors in both Miami and Washington.

"Okay, seriously B, you've had me guessing for an hour now. Where the hell are we going? And why did I have to bring my camera?" I finally ask as Blake takes an exit off the highway, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Blake chuckles, his gaze briefly leaving the road to meet mine. "Sorry Sunshine, it's a surprise. You'll find out soon enough."

I huff playfully, crossing my arms and sinking into my seat. "You're so annoyingly secretive sometimes."

"Come on, baby. Don't try and act like you don't love my surprises."

I roll my eyes but can't help grinning. "Fine, I love your surprises. But if you keep me waiting much longer, I'm gonna force you to tell me."

As the miles pass by, we engage in simple conversation, our talks ranging from football and training camp to reminiscing about funny moments we've shared. Our dynamic has always been easygoing, and even now, with so much happening around us and everything we've been through, being with Blake simply feels like home.

"Remember a month before my release Lily decided to give us a makeover with her 'magical' makeup kit?" I say with a laugh, recalling the day when Lily showed up at the hospital with the plan of turning both Blake and me into living canvases.

Blake chuckles, shaking his head. "How could I forget? I looked like a clown."

"But the glitter eyeshadow really brought out the sparkle in your eyes," I tease, causing him to laugh even harder.

He grins. "You're lucky that you're cute, or else I wouldn't let those comments slide."

The hours melt away as we share stories, jokes, and new music playlists. Eventually, Blake takes another exit off the highway, and my curiosity peaks again. "Are we getting close?" 

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