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After a few more minutes of back-and-forth flirtatious teasing, Blake's "issue" is finally relieved and he steps out of my car. 

Before last night I never could've imagined that I would be in a hospital parking lot wanting to rip Blake's clothes off, but here we are.

When Blake decides to reach for my hand on the walk to the front doors of the hospital, I gladly accept the affectionate offer. 

My nerves aren't nearly as bad as they usually are as we check into the urgent care line, the workers telling us a nurse will be out in just a few minutes to get us. 

After a few minutes worth of mindless banter about Harry Potter and Blake's predictions for the final movie, the door to the other side of the waiting room finally opens.

When the nurse calls Blake's name we both stand up and walk towards her. 

"I'm sorry Mr.Andrews, but due to limited space and increased health protocols we are asking for guests of patients to remain in the waiting room for non-emergent cases," the nurse tells him kindly.

I sigh, looking up to see him scowl. 

"Not happening," he says flatly to the nurse, crossing his arms over his chest.

I hate the idea of being in this hospital alone, but the rules are the rules. 

I shake my head. "B, it's fine, I'll just wait in the parking lot or-"

"She's my emotional support person," Blake suddenly blurts out.

Like a dog?

As the nurse glances between the two of us like we are insane, I bring my hand to my mouth to keep in a laugh. I can't believe he just said that with a straight face. 

"Uh... I guess just this once we can make an exception then," the nurse murmurs, motioning us through the door.

Blake looks over to me and smiles, shooting me a quick wink.

As we step into the patient room and the nurse starts checking Blake's vitals, my nerves kick up a notch. Just seeing all the medical stuff around makes me incredibly anxious, even if I'm not the one being treated. 

Once the nurse takes a few notes about why Blake is here, she tells us the doctor will be in shortly and leaves the room. 

Sensing my anxiety, Blake speaks in an attempt to distract me. "So, which pair of socks that I got you were your favorite?"

"Hm..." I think carefully. "Probably the ones with the lavender plants. How did you know it was my favorite plant and scent?"

Blake smiles. "I always smelled it on you, I just didn't know which flower it was. I went to Sephora or whatever it's called one day after practice. I must've smelt 50 perfumes before I found one that smelled like you, and the worker told me it was lavender. I made sure to order it online with the rest of the stuff so it would all come at the same time."

My heart swells at his words and if the doctor didn't have the potential to walk into our room at any moment, I would jump on Blake's lap right now and never let him go.

Lucas would never even dream of spending an hour in the store to find a gift for me. On my most recent birthday before this one, all he got me was a scratch-off ticket from the gas station and a bar of chocolate.

And, when I actually won 20$ off the ticket, he asked me if he could use it for gas. 

Blake on the other hand, after only actually knowing me for just a few short weeks at the time, somehow figured out all of my favorite things and put them together to create the most incredible gifts I've ever received.

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