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"Elena, what the hell is happening?" Olivia cries out desperately as I drag her out of the house, Noah following closely behind us, texting away on his phone.

Both of them heard the unmistakable furious slam of Blake's door and immediately ran over to the hallway. I called out to them I was in the bathroom, but they waited in the hallway until I came out.

Once I stopped uncontrollably hyperventilating, I opened the door. Both of them immediately looked worried after I did, especially Noah. 

Noah took one look at my tear-stained face and trembling appearance before he turned around to bang his fists on Blake's door, yelling obscenities and threatening him if he did something to make me upset. 

I had never seen Noah act like that before, Olivia and I were too afraid to intervene at first.

After a minute we had to physically drag Noah away from the door, he was not going to stop until Blake opened it and was about to bust it in from how hard he was pounding.

I knew Blake would rather hop out his window and run into traffic rather than speak to any of us right now, and all I wanted was to get out of his house as soon as possible. 

I hop into Noah's truck and the other two quickly follow behind me, Noah not wasting any time before putting the key in the ignition to drive away.

"What the hell happened El?" he questions me furiously, still texting rapidly on his phone with one hand and driving with the other.

Olivia tries to take it away. "Put your phone away Noah! You're going to drive us off the road!"

"No, not until Blake answers me so I can tell him he went too far this time, he's an unappreciative little prick and I-"

"Trust me, I feel the same way but you can text him later! We need to be here for Elena right now," she breathes out exasperatedly, turning to look at me. She reaches her hand behind her seat to rest it on my knee. 

Tears continue to find their way down my cheeks and my breathing is rapid, my entire mind spinning from the last 15 minutes. My throat feels so tight it physically hurts and I am on the verge of completely spiraling. 

"Can we just talk about it when we get to my house? I need a minute," I choke out, simply unable to process everything right this second.

They both nod and Noah presses hard on the gas, accelerating us further toward my house.

We make it there within minutes. I step out of the truck and my heart sinks when I cannot feel my keys in my pocket. 

I must've left them at Blake's from being in such a rush. 

When I go to lift the Flordia-shaped rock that has my spare key under it, I quickly realize it isn't there. I even feel my hands around the dirt and check under a few more rocks, but there's nothing. 

"Have either of you used my key recently?" 

"No, but I had one made for myself a couple of months ago and forgot to tell you," Olivia shrugs, moving toward the door to unlock it.

My emotions are too intense right now for me to even think about where my spare key is, so I shove the thought to the back of my mind as we enter my house and sit down on the couch.

I take a few shakey breaths and Noah leans over to wrap me in a tight hug, only making me cry harder.

"Blake thinks I lied to him.." I choke into Noah's side. 

Olivia consoles me gently, rubbing my back. "About what?"

"It's a long story... but you guys obviously know how I play video games a lot?"

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