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"Absolutely, Mom, I'd be thrilled if you guys could come down for Thanksgiving," I say into my phone, quickly placing the last few items into my cart before heading towards the checkout counter.

When I see there is no line at the register, I quickly tell my mom that I have to go, saying goodbye before I hang up the phone.

I place the bottle of aspirin, Gatorade, toothbrush, and detox drink on the counter.

Even though I only needed these four things, it's been a good 20 minutes since I entered the store, my mind feeling a bit distracted since my mother's call. 

I gave her the rundown of my life for the past few weeks, also telling her that Lucas and I broke up. I was really nervous to tell her at first so I definitely waited a little too long, but better late than never. 

After playing video games with Blake for over an hour last night, we finally passed out, him with a controller still in his hand.

I was relieved when I woke up and it was bright and sunny, knowing that Blake didn't suffer from any more nightmares last night. After getting out of bed I didn't waste any time before taking a trip to the store. 

Blake remained peacefully asleep when I left, so I made sure to send him a quick text to let him know where I went.

Even though Blake threw up most of the pills he took last night, there is no telling how much of them are still traceable in his system. 

I picked out the most expensive detox drink I could find for him, hoping that the next time he gets drug tested that it will come up clean. 

"Your total is 53.99$," the lady tells me, and I smile a bit when I recognize her from the night me and Blake got snacks here before watching the first Harry Potter movie. 

I hand her the money and she quickly stuffs my change back in my hand, definitely worried that I will try to leave her with it like Blake did. 

I make my way out of the store, shivering slightly from the breezy weather and finding myself a little too excited to go back home and see Blake.

I had spent weeks wondering about his past, wondering about just how bad it could be. Now that he finally told me, though, I think it's only brought us closer. 

Reaching my car, I suddenly feel a tap on my back.

I gasp, almost dropping the grocery bags in my hands. "Lucas? What are you doing here?"

Shivers run down my spine when we lock eyes. The person standing in front of me looks like a skeleton of the person I used to know. 

His bloodshot eyes coupled with sunken cheeks give him the appearance of someone who has spent the last month high on drugs.  

Well, I guess he technically has, considering the steroids I bet he's still taking. 

There is a certain look behind his eyes I can't quite identify, but it still terrifies me nonetheless. It's a mix of fear, anger, and maybe even a hint of complete madness. 

"I came to talk to you.." Lucas mumbles, his gaze hardening. 

I feel bile rise in the back of my throat. "I told you I never wanted to see you again, just leave me alone."

I go to move past him, but he suddenly grips my wrist tight to stop me from moving.

"So, guess what came out this morning?"

I glare at him and stay silent, not wanting to play along.

 "Last month's college football magazine. And guess who was spotted hugging Blake on the cover?" he hisses through gritted teeth.

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