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Every organ in my body feels as though they're compressing when I desperately attempt to take in a breath of fresh air.

I can't see, I can't think, I can't breathe.

A pungent scent permeates the air, the acrid stench of burning mingling with the absence of other sensory input. I am left grasping for any semblance of reality, struggling to comprehend the chaos surrounding me.

I feel the little oxygen that's left in my lungs becoming contaminated as a thick blanket of smoke encases me. The smoke must be dark; I'm blind to everything else surrounding me.

I try and blink my eyes a few times, only to be met with excruciating pain.

Hysteric screams ring throughout my ears on repeat, making my eardrums feel like they are about to burst.

Who is screaming?

I need to help them.

I need to get out of here.

Darkness invades every nerve in my body. I feel nothing but aching pain and misery, spiraling me into an agonizing obliviation.

Every perception of my reality is suddenly thrown out of my grasp; I don't know which way is up or down, not knowing if any of this is even real anymore.

I can't do this anymore.

I can't hold on.

I need to let go.

A sudden jolt, a sharp tug to what I believe is one of my limbs startles me, snapping me back to this harsh reality.

I open my mouth to let out a tortuous scream of agony, not knowing if I actually produced sound or not. My lungs burn at an indescribable level of pain as my body is lifted into the air.

I am being lifted, moved, but to what end?

I suddenly feel myself lying against something hard. It's something wet with a thick substance covering it.

It feels warm.

I don't know what it is or if I am actually touching anything, but somehow, I feel a small sense of hope.

Maybe I can find some light at the end of this and be okay.

A feeble attempt to move proves futile, uncertain if I still possess a physical form.

I am adrift in an abyss of despair, consumed by pain and misery. Every aspect of my reality crumbles, leaving me untethered, unsure of what is real and what is an illusion.

My nostrils are now filled with not only smoke but scents of iron as another ear-splitting scream brings me back.

Who is screaming?

Before I can get another thought in, the most Earth-shattering noise my ears have ever absorbed rips through my entire body, vibrating the world around me. My broken bones rattle inside my skin against the explosion.

Just when the unbearable pain reaches its peak, it begins to dissipate; like smoke rising and slowly disappearing into the air.

I know nothing can help me now.

All hope extinguished, I resign to the inevitable. Pain becomes a distant memory, replaced by an ethereal tranquility.

The very last thought that flashes across my mind is a particular pair of eyes brimming with love, washing me over with a feeling of peace in my final moments.

Maybe they were meant to come into my life, but not to stay.

All suffering dissolves, replaced by weightlessness and warmth as I let the darkness claims me.

The same darkness clouding my senses quickly travels up to my entire mind now, ripping away my last bit of control and feeling of reality.

My chest instinctively tightens again, my now unconscious and feeble body attempting to get out just one more breath before I am gone, but to no avail.

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