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"Everyone back up! Back up! Give her some space!"

I distantly hear what sounds to be Janet's voice yelling, but it sounds very far away and a bit fuzzy.

My head feels extremely dizzy and I open my eyes to see a crowd of girls surrounding me. I keep them open despite the bright light from the sun sending a wave of pain throughout my throbbing temple.

I shift my vision to the right and see Janet and Olivia both kneeling on the ground next to me, staring at me nervously.

"What happened?" I rasp out in confusion, as all of the girl's bodies are blocking me from being able to see anything on the field.

My head feels too heavy to raise right now, so I keep it rested on the soft grass.

Did I fall? All I remember is Blake's last touchdown before the half and now I'm here.

Olivia takes a shakey breath before speaking. "El, I'm so sorry... are you okay? I'm pretty sure Abby-"


Blake's hysteretic voice sticks out amongst the buzzing crowd, the worry and urgency in his tone easy to decipher even through my confusion.

Where is he?

My thought is soon answered when I finally lift my head up from the ground and see Blake shove through the group of girls. He quickly dives over to my body on the ground, and I spot Noah's red hair following right behind him.

I let my head rest on the grass again and I squint up at the two boys and smile at the sight of them. I feel incredibly nauseous and am afraid that if I open my mouth to speak, I will be sick all over them.

Blake kneels down next to me and cradles his hand gently against the side of my face, rubbing my forehead softly with his thumb.

His eyes show signs of panic as they glance between my squinted ones and his eyebrows furrow in anxiety.

His head snaps away from me and over to Olivia and Janet next to him.

"What the hell happened?" he hisses venomously, looking at them like this is somehow their fault.

I open my eyes wider now to see tears building up in Olivia's. I suddenly notice her nose is a little bloody too.

"I tried to catch her... right before she fell I saw Abby let go of her foot. It was too late for me to help, she was already going down. I didn't expect Abby to just completely let her go," Olivia cries, reaching out to rub my arm.

Blake suddenly disappears from my side at her words, but I can't see where he went.

It's hard to believe Abby would do something like this on purpose, even if she does hate me. Even with the pain in my head, though, I know Olivia wouldn't blatantly accuse her of that unless she was absolutely sure.

I sit up slowly and rub my eyes, feeling much more alert compared to when I first woke up. The heavy feeling in my head slowly dissipates as I shift my sore body, my mind still feeling a bit spacey, but nothing major.

I know who the president is and all that.

When I sit all the way up, Janet tells me the medic will be arriving soon and she begins to ask me some protocol questions.

As she opens her mouth to speak, though, I find myself not listening to her questions.

Instead, Blake's angry voice instantly takes over my attention.

Everyone, including Janet, turns to look at the two people now arguing.

"What the fuck Abby! How the hell could you do something like that!? I swear to god if she isn't okay, you're going to pay for this," Blake spits, getting right up in her face.

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