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"Ooooh, how about these ones?!" I gush, pointing to the blue frosted cookies instead of the orange ones.

"We can get anything you want," Blake says softly, taking them off the shelf to put them in the cart along with all the other stuff I've picked out.

It's getting kinda full now that I really look at it, and Blake didn't even add anything. 

So far we have microwave popcorn, chips & salsa, frosted sugar cookies, rootbeer, chips, chex mix, french onion dip, pretzels, premade chocolate chip cookie dough, frozen pizza, gummy bears, regular oreos, vanilla oreos, airheads, sour patch kids, cheetos, skittles, doritos, fruit snacks, donuts, cheese balls, takis, beef jerky, and finally, and most importantly, a big bottle of wine.

I think we might have too many snacks now.

Olivia usually has to watch me closely in grocery stores to make sure I don't add too many things to my cart, but sometimes I just can't help myself. 

I am definitely the consumer that marketing consultants talk about in their presentations for advertising products. 

How can I not grab the Cheetos when the cheetah on the front is having so much fun?

I put my hand up to my chin, thinking. "Do you think I grabbed too much stuff?"

"Hmm... I'd say the cart looks just about perfect," Blake grins, chuckling a little bit.

Does his laugh mean that I did in fact grab too much?

I nod and try to take over to push the cart over to the checkout registers, but Blake won't let me, playfully hip-bumping me out of the way instead. 

"So which movie are we going to watch?" he questions, putting some of the items on the conveyor belt.

"Duh, the first one. Gotta start you from the beginning!"

Blake's eyes widen. "You mean we're going to watch all 6 of them?"

"Actually, there are 8," I giggle. "And obviously not all of them tonight, it takes like 24 hours to watch them all. We can just watch the first one and maybe the second."

He puts the last of the items up before letting out a small chuckle. "How the hell is it possible for there to be 8 movies about the same story?"

"You'll see," I smile, pushing the cart past him so the bagger can put the groceries in them.

"Your total is $102.82," the kind lady behind the register tells us, and my jaw drops in shock.

Jeez, I guess I did get too much.

I pull out my wallet and reach down for my debit card and a second later I see Blake out of the corner of my eye handing her money.

I groan guilty, struggling to pull my card out of my wallet. "Come on Blake, I appreciate it, but let me pay this time."

"Nope. I've got it," he says cheekily, placing the bills into the cashier's hand.

She clears her throat awkwardly before putting it into the register, soon reaching out to give him his change. "Alright, your change is 17.18$"

"Just keep it," Blake replies carelessly, walking past her to push the cart again. I follow him toward the exit.

I'm convinced Blake runs an underground business that produces counterfeit money.

"Sir, we don't accept tips and-"

"Give it to a homeless guy then!" he calls over his shoulder, us already reaching the exit.

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