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*9 years later*

The roar of the crowd echoes around me as I stand on the sidelines of the Miami Dolphins game, my camera in hand, capturing the exhilarating moments on the field. The vibrant energy of the stadium is infectious, and I can't help but smile as I snap photos of the players in action.

Blake commands the field with confidence and skill that never ceases to amaze me, no matter how long I've been watching him for. Only a few yards away from him is Noah, darting across the field with impressive agility as a wide receiver, showcasing his talents with every catch.

I feel a tap on my shoulder from Olivia. She's technically supposed to stay behind a certain area on the sidelines, but she never follows the rule. "Even though it's been years of watching football game after football game, I don't think I'll ever get sick of watching our boys play." 

I adjust the focus on my camera. "I know, it's incredible. Thank god Noah was traded onto The Dolphins a few years ago, it's so nice to be close and to see them play together every week."

"They really are a dynamic duo, I'm surprised they weren't drafted as a package deal," Olivia chuckles. "How come you even bother working as a photographer for the stadium if Blake makes more money than you can ever even spend?"

I roll my eyes playfully. "It gives me the opportunity to spend more time with him at home games, and plus, I really enjoy it. It's nice to have something to do and to be independent."

"Couldn't be me. When Noah's first check came in and he hired us a private chef and maid, I knew the life of luxury was for me," Olivia giggles.

As the final seconds of the game tick away, it ends with The Dolphins securing another victory, making us undefeated for our third game of the season. Olivia and I exchange smiles as we watch our husbands proudly celebrate on the field. 

Olivia looks around. "So, where are the twins? I haven't seen them running around yet or heard them. Usually, they jump over the barriers by now."

I chuckle, pointing towards the front row behind us. "Lily's got them under control."

We both turn to see Lily, attempting to separate my bickering sons. Thankfully, for home games, Olivia or Lily is usually available to watch the boys. Blake also bought my parents a beautiful house only a few miles from ours, so finding a babysitter for some away games is never an issue.

As the final whistle blows, Olivia and I make our way over to Lily, who is now managing to separate JJ and Noah with a firm but patient hand. 

My boys, both wearing oversized Andrews jerseys, immediately quiet down when they see us approaching. "Hey, you two," I say, my tone a bit firm. "Settle down and listen to your cousin Lily, okay?" They nod, but begin bickering again, just more quietly. 

"Hey, Aunt Elena and Aunt Liv," Lily greets us with a grin. "I've been doing my best to keep these two from jumping over the barriers every five seconds, but they're not making it very easy."

Olivia chuckles. "You know, once upon a time at a game, you actually flew over the barrier in the front row. Blake walked over and you were a bit too excited to see him."

"I can see that, Mom always says how crazy I was as a kid," Lily laughs, a hint of embarrassment in her expression. "And speaking of Blake, did I really used to call him 'Black' when I was little? Dad told me that the other day, but I didn't believe him."

Olivia and I burst into laughter. "Yes, you really did," I confirm. "Up until you were 8 or 9, he was always Black. You should've seen how upset he was the first time you actually called him Blake, it took him a while to get used to."

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