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"You know what? I think you're a liar, baby. You're all alone, aren't you? I don't see your boyfriend anywhere."

"Turn around and you will."

The venomous voice suddenly pierces through my ears like a hallelujah chorus and I snap my head backward.

There is a certain darkness in Blake's eyes I have never seen before. I can't tell if it's from the light in the club or his anger, but they almost look completely black.

As Blake slowly walks closer and the man gets a good look at his enraged expression, he immediately rips his hands off me and practically lunges across the seat.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't know you were with her. I was just playing around, I didn't-"

The next few moments appear to happen in slow motion.

Blake suddenly grabs the man by the collar of his shirt and flips him over and off the couch, roughly slamming him into the tile floor. He towers over his body for a moment before violently dragging him up as if he's light as a feather, fists balled in his shirt.

Blake shoves him aggressively against the wall, ramming the back of his head into it.

I rapidly look around at the crowds of people surrounding us, but everyone is too preoccupied with their drinks and conversations with friends to notice what is happening in our corner. If Blake gets caught doing this, he could be kicked off the team.

I open my mouth to cry out for him to stop, but no sound is produced as my lungs feel completely depleted of oxygen.

"You think you can treat women like that, huh? Think you're a big fucking tough guy?" Blake sneers inches from his face, shoving him forcefully against the wall again.

The man parts his lips to speak but is harshly cut off when Blake wraps one of his hands tightly around his throat, cutting off his airflow.

He desperately tries to pry the hand off his neck, but his efforts are useless as Blake shouts obscenities an inch from his face, terrifying me further.

What if he kills him?

Blake smirks evilly into his face as the man's eyes bulge out of his head, his arm starting to shake because he pressing down so hard.

"P-please...," he chokes out weakly, throwing his hands up in defeat as his face turns a dangerous shade of purple, matching the lights around us in the club.

At his desperate plea, Blake only grips harder, exhaling a sadistic laugh that sends shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, Blake steps back and everything next happens so fast that I almost miss it.

I bring my hands to my face in shock when I suddenly hear a loud crack and see Blake's massive fist connect with his cheek.

The man instantly curls over and howls out in pain, holding his nose as the crimson liquid seeps out from between his fingers.

Blake grips the back of his hair tightly, ripping his head back to reveal his face again before delivering another powerful blow to his cheek.

Blood splatters out of his mouth and onto the floor from the harsh contact this time. He doesn't stop there though, holding his shirt in one hand and punching him multiple times with the other.

When the man's knees collapse out from under him, it is only then that Blake finally releases him.

The bloodied man stumbles a few feet over, the bottom half of his face now completely covered in the thick red substance.

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