Jisoo peeked into Jennie's room and found the girl still sleeping.
She didn't want to wake her up, so she just wrote a small note telling her she was gone to Germany for that meeting she was asked to attend a couple of days ago.
Jisoo figured she was still mad at her and acted quietly.
The Lieutenant made sure the main hotel room door of Jennie's room was locked before she shut the extension door, exiting through her own.
She handed off her duty to her replacement for the next couple of days and in came Hoony.
"You can't be serious." She muttered, he was her replacement.
"I'm as qualified as you, so what's with the long face?" Hoony laughed, punching Jisoo's shoulder.
"You mess around too much, weren't you on desk duty last time?"
"Shh. I doubt anything gonna happen while you're gone." He swatted her away, pushing her to the elevator.
"If anything does happen to her I will kill you." Jisoo warned.
"You have my word."
"Dumbass." The Lieutenant muttered, trusting that he would take care of Jennie.
She soon left and was dropped off at the airport where she was waiting before boarding the flight.
She was fiddling with her phone, too bored to do anything else.
It rang and she thought it was Jennie, but to her surprise it was Chaeyoung.
"Hello?" The Lieutenant answered.
"Hey Loser, what's up?"
"About to board a plane in half an hour for a meeting with my agency."
"Oh, sounds boring."
"Yeah, how are you? Haven't talked to you in forever."
"Time zones suck, and I'm busy helping my sister with her business so that takes up my time. Sorry haven't really been keeping up with you."
"I'm doing fine, great actually." Jisoo said, smiling as she's did.
"Hm, wonder why. Maybe it's because you've been working with a little special someone."
"Shhh. Don't tell anyone." Jisoo whispered.
Chaeyoung snorted and her cat was meowing loudly at the sound of the Lieutenant on the phone. "Have you been keeping off your addictions?" She asked, turning the conversation more seriously.
Jisoo hummed. "Haven't had any cravings for them, at least not anymore. It turned kind of rare."
I'm convinced that being with Jennie for so many hours during the day kept me off it. And when I'm not with her, I focus on myself and I don't even think about trying to numb that pain.
That pain isn't as loud as it was before.
"Surprising, thought you'd relapse since being alone in a foreign country would seem like a perfect catalyst for you to go back."
"I did too, but I found Hoony and he's been keeping me in check. I see the fucker at work daily, god I miss him. But don't tell him I said that."
"Cool, thank god you found him. If anything he'd physically restrain you to a pole if you went back to doing bad stuff."
The Lieutenant rolled her eyes. "So you're not moving here anytime soon to be with Jennie and then? I mean, Ji Young and Joohyun is here. Thought you would too?"