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Chapter 3
The official opening is the weekend, Su Ziqing bought a new bouquet on the farm early in the morning, arranged the table and decorations, just in September, the weather was still hot, the glass door hung a pink and white sign with air conditioning, the windows inside were clear, sure enough, after a while, the wind chimes on the door "Dinglingling" rang, and a guest came.

Su Ziqing looked up and saw a small apple face with white and red eyes, grape-like black eyes looked at her curiously, a pink diamond-shaped small mouth, and pointed to the ocean ball pool under the stairs.

It turned out to be a young woman holding a small baby, Su Ziqing hurriedly ran over to take the sun umbrella in her hand and asked, "Where are the guests sitting?" The

young woman was already sweating hot, and she couldn't wait to put the little girl down, "Let's go to the Ocean Ball first, I can't hold it." The

baby is not very good at walking, as soon as it is put down, it will flutter itself in the ocean ball, giggling vigorously, people always like beautiful things, Su Ziqing brought a cup of mint lemonade to the sweaty young mother, and praised: "The baby looks so cute!" The

woman drank a few sips of water and sighed with a smile: "Cute is cute, it's too tossed, I have to go out when I wake up in the morning, I see that you have a place for children to play here, quickly bring her in." The

play area was covered with thick mats and a fence on the side, and there were no people in the store now, so the woman walked to the side of the small table and sat down, taking the menu and looking.

Strawberry milk, soufflé muffins, and French pancakes are all easy to understand, she pointed to the "bite lady" written on it, and asked in amazement: "What is this?"

Su Ziqing smiled and said, "It's actually a crispy toast cup with half-boiled eggs and cheese in it, do you want to try it?"

"Well, that's a bite lady, a glass of strawberry milk." The woman puts down the menu.

"Okay," Su Ziqing put the cutlery on her first, and then asked, "What do the children want to eat?"

"She just doesn't like to eat," the woman shook her head, "If there is white toast, get me an extra slice and give her something to eat later."

Su Ziqing thought for a while: "Or I will make her a corn muffin, can she eat eggs and milk?"

The woman nodded and said again: "Put less sugar."

"Don't worry, our corn is very sweet and doesn't put sugar." After Su Ziqing finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the island.

Biting lady is very good to make, the key is to eat fresh, in order to have a crispy taste of toast, white toast cut edge coated with butter, nested into a large muffin cup, put a piece of ham, and then beat a small egg, white sauce is already prepared, put a spoonful in, sprinkle with black pepper and salt grains, and spread a thick layer of cheese, send it to the oven.

Roasting here, Su Ziqing scooped a small bowl of filtered corn syrup in the morning, added an egg yolk, a small amount of milk, and then sifted a little low-gluten flour to increase the consistency, egg white, and then mixed with the previous corn egg paste, the pan thinly brushed with a layer of butter, the batter was fried over low heat to light yellow, considering that it was for the baby, Su Ziqing made a small one each, because the egg whites were beaten, the small cakes were puffed up when heated, The chubby ones are especially cute.

The muffins were fried, and the ones in the oven over there were also good, and the aromas on both sides collided together, and the young woman who was playing with her little daughter over there couldn't help but exclaim: "It's so fragrant."

Su Ziqing smiled, took a few strawberry cuts and put them in the juicer, poured half a bottle of milk, beat a cup of strawberry milk and brought it over, the young woman held the baby over, and was surprised to see that she didn't put sugar at all, a plate of breakfast was brought to the table, and the light yellow fat muffins were cut into small pieces of strawberries, and Mrs. Biting took it out of the muffin cup and put it on a white porcelain plate, the edge of the toast was a little golden, and the cheese was roasted, A little trickle down, the transparent pot-bellied glass is pink strawberry milk, white milk foam floating on it, and the young woman's first reaction is to take a picture with her mobile phone.

After taking a sip of milk, she was surprised again: "This is also so delicious, if it weren't for the fact that you know that this is completely without sugar, I really don't believe that this is a pure natural taste." Strawberries

and milk are originally the most classic combination, plus these two tastes from the farm are good, together they are naturally particularly delicious, Su Ziqing himself feels that something is missing if he doesn't drink a cup every day. She pointed to the biting lady: "Try this while it's hot." The

other party picked up the knife placed on the side and went down, and the half-boiled egg yolk flowed out along the cut place, she was surprised, and immediately took out her mobile phone and took another photo: "In the group, envy them."

The little baby was put on the baby chair that Su Ziqing moved, because no one cared, she stretched out her hand, grabbed a muffin and stuffed it into her mouth, and when her mother found it, her round apple face bulged up, and she was trying to chew the small cake.

"Oh baby, you can't swallow so much, spit it out!" The young woman was startled and quickly reached out to take out some of her mouthful of bread.

The little girl couldn't speak, busy pushing away her mother's hand with her fleshy little arm, chewing the cake hard in her mouth, almost choking herself, the young woman quickly scooped up some strawberry milk with a spoon for her to drink, and as a result, after a small sip, the baby pointed to the cup with his fingers, and wanted to drink vigorously.

"Have such a good appetite today?" The young woman didn't care about drinking it herself, so she quickly fed her a few bites with a spoon, and gave her muffins and strawberries on her plate, and after a while, she actually ate most of the muffins on the plate, and the strawberries were also eaten clean.

"She really has such a good appetite," the young woman herself tried to take a muffin to eat, "It's delicious, she didn't eat because I made it bad?"

Su Ziqing smiled, no matter how she made it at home, she couldn't do the taste here, and didn't say anything, found a small box to pack the leftover muffins: "Take this cake back and heat it slightly on the pan, the taste is still the same."

"Thank you very much, thank you, I will go back and talk to the old man at home, she will come to you if she doesn't like to eat in the future." The young woman paid and took the muffin, "By the way, do you sell strawberries here?"

"Sorry, strawberries are not sold for the time being, more will be said later." The current field still grows corn and potatoes, so let's upgrade it later, and then consider selling strawberries.

After seeing off the first guest, Su Ziqing cleaned up the empty plates on the table, took butter and yogurt from the refrigerator, and planned to make some cookies and soufflé cheesecake.

In the past two years, small flower cookies have been very popular, the raw materials are actually very simple, the difficult to master is the degree of butter beating and heat, Su Ziqing failed several times to make small flower cookies that will not collapse after baking.

After making two pots of cookies, it was almost noon, Su Ziqing carefully put the cool cookies in the glass display case in front of the cash register, this kind of cookies are particularly crispy, a little careless will be broken, and can not be exposed to the air, otherwise it will be damp.

The pale yellow cookies smelled of a tempting milk aroma, Su Ziqing left a taste, the cookie bit and broke her hand, melted in the mouth, the milk aroma was rich, she restrained her desire to taste another one, each of which is money.

There were no guests at noon, and Su Ziqing was not too surprised, making herself a bowl of corn soup and baking two slices of toast. After resting for a while, I started making soufflé cheesecake.

The cheesecake was not troublesome, it didn't take long, and when it was almost baked, the aroma of the cake gradually overflowed from the oven, and the wind chimes at the door rang again, and a young girl leaned in halfway: "It seems to be here... Wow, how fragrant!

Su Ziqing looked up at her, and she was a little embarrassed to hold up a promotional picture to Su Ziqing: "Is this this store?" It was the leaflet that Su Ziqing had found someone to distribute before.

"Yes, come first." The oven "ding", Su Ziqing didn't have time to greet her, quickly opened the oven first to take out the cake, the cake aroma that was originally pressed in the oven suddenly spread out in the air with the heat, so she hooked up a girl with short hair and a round face: "Ah this is it!" It's so fragrant!

Su Ziqing laughed and put the cake on the table"Find a seat and the menu is on the table."
The girl who came
in earlier hesitated and asked, "Can I go upstairs?"

"Yes, I'll take you up." Su Ziqing came out from behind the island platform, led the two girls upstairs, the stairs are wooden, there is a hollow fence, as soon as they walked upstairs, the two "wow", turned around the room, looked at the swing chair for a while, looked at the small tent for a while, obviously couldn't decide where to sit, Su Ziqing was not in a hurry, anyway, there are fewer customers in the store now, and they choose.

In the end, the two people still chose the swing chair, and Su Ziqing poured two glasses of lemonade for them, waiting for them to order food.

The two girls ordered strawberry milk and asked her, "What was that smell when we came just now?"

"Soufflé cheesecake," Su Ziqing pointed to the menu, "this."

"Okay, two of this cake." The girls returned the menu to her.

The cheesecake tastes best if it is refrigerated overnight, so Su Ziqing makes it a day in advance. Take two cakes from the fridge and place them on a white porcelain plate with a strawberry cut on top for decoration, and place them with a small silver fork.

After the strawberry milk is beaten, a mint leaf is placed on the milk foam floating on it, two straws are prepared, and they are served together on a plate.

Seeing her come up with a plate, the two girls who were taking pictures quickly ran over and sat down, and took another burst of pictures at the cake and drinks on the plate, saying while shooting: "This must be posted on Weibo, it's so good-looking." Weibo

? Su Ziqing thought about it, went downstairs and took out his mobile phone, such a good-looking store, of course, he has to send Weibo to show off.

Su Ziqing herself has a Weibo number, used for star chasing, because occasionally make some memes, or write some text, the number of fans is okay, she applied for a trumpet, and directly used her own store signboard and name: Dreaming. I took a picture of the inside of the store and the cake, made a nine-square grid, and then forwarded it with a large number: "The small shop that has been prepared for a long time is in S City, welcome everyone to the party!"
Not long after
it was sent, the notification rang, and there were more than
a dozen
"Wow! Awesome little beauty! I'll go to your shop tomorrow! Quickly send me a private message! "This is something that has been met before.

"It's so beautiful! The cake looks so delicious! Blogger Wen Wu Quan! "This is a fan of chasing text.

"Ahhhhh I hate! "This is a good friend of Beijing who has known each other for several years.

There were also many who praised her and immediately followed the store's Weibo, and suddenly gained dozens of fans, and Su Ziqing put down her mobile phone with satisfaction and continued to make desserts.

After a while, the voices of two girls came from upstairs, "Strawberry milk is delicious, I have drunk so many milk tea shops, it tastes the best here,

I asked the dormitory people if they want to bring them a cup!"

"This cake is also super delicious, I have never eaten this kind of cake, it is so soft and light, and the strawberries are delicious!" I want to ask the hostess if strawberries are for sale!

Su Ziqing was in a good mood when she heard this, and stirred the batter in her hand more and more vigorously.

When the two girls went downstairs, Su Ziqing was making a strawberry mille-feuille, laying a layer of pale yellow mille-feuille, smearing a layer of cream, and then spreading sliced strawberries on top, because the strawberries were regularly shaped and looked like cakes made in cartoons, and the two girls were excited again, and took out their mobile phones to ask her if she could take pictures.

"Yes," Su Ziqing generously asked them to shoot, and then said, "Do you want to add a store Weibo, I will post any discounts or lucky draws in the store in the future, and new products will also be posted on Weibo."

"Good, good!" Of course, the two girls agreed, and the three happily followed each other's Weibo. Before leaving, the two packed two cups of strawberry milk and said that they would go back to the dormitory classmates to drink.

✓ Su Ziqing's dream farmWhere stories live. Discover now