Chapter 3

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Tyler's POV

I walk around the pack, looking for my friends, I could just use my phone to ask them where they are, but of course I have left it in my house.

And I was too lazy to go back for it, even though I was only about fifty feet away, when I noticed that I don't have it with me.

So, now I have to look around, hoping that I will find one of them.

After half an hour of walking aimlessly, I still can't see any of my friends, but I have found my girlfriend, or more like she has found me.

"Hi." Violet says.

"Hi." I respond, before I give her a quick kiss.

She takes my hand in her, and we go back towards the pack house, which is nowhere near where we are.

"What are you doing here?" She asks curiously.

"I was just looking for someone to hung out with, I got bored." I explain.

I don't understand why my family doesn't like her, sure she isn't my mate, but she's my girlfriend, so that should be enough.

But the fact is that no one from my family likes her, which makes me a bit sad since she's a very nice girl, and I would give anything to me mated to her, but sadly I already know that she isn't my mete.

My parents never liked the idea of me dating, but now, when I already know that we're not mated, they remind me of this fact every day, which is stupid.

I can, and I will date whoever I want to date, especially if the Moon Goddess will expect me to mate with a man.

I'm definitely not gay, I don't mind gay people, but I definitely don't like boys, girls are much better, so I hope that the Moon Goddess won't use my life as an entertainment for herself.

After a while of walking, Violet tells me that she has to go, since she and her friends are supposed to meet soon.

I let go of her hand, and I give her another kiss, then she walks off, and I continue to search for my friends.

I consider if I should go back to the house, and just get the stupid phone from my room, but I really don't want to walk that much, especially since I'm nowhere nearby.

A few minutes later, I decide to go back, but right then, I see Saul, my friend.

I go towards him, and I put my hand on his shoulder, it scares him enough to make him jump in the air.

He turns towards me with a glare, and I just laugh at him.

"I'm bored." I tell him, not even bothering to greet him.

"Nothing new then." He tells me.

I just roll my eyes, and I jump on his back, then he walks towards the pack house.

"Man, those people should stop staring at you, it's actually quite creepy." He tells me.

I look around, and there really are a lot of people looking at me, but I learned to ignore them, I'm their future Alpha, so they're going to stare.

"I like it. It's makes me feel like..." I say, wondering what words I should use.

"A star in the daylight." I tell him.

He shakes his head with a small laugh, and I chuckle along.

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