Chapter 29

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Tyler's POV

When I get back from school, and I enter my house, hoping to see my mate, but the only people in the living room are dad, and a few of my siblings.

"Is Daniel upstairs?" I ask dad, but he shakes his head.

"I think he went to the pack house a few hours ago." Dad tells me.

"Alright, I will go there to look for him." I say, and I walk out of the front door again.

"Your mate is in trouble." Reggie tells me, and I jump when I realise that he's following me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him with a frown.

"A few hours ago, I saw that he was arguing with his father, so I went after them, then I saw that his father attacked a kid, and Daniel was trying to stop him.

But I don't know what happened later, since the guards were coming our way so I had to go, otherwise I would have been in trouble." He tells me, and I decide to ignore the fact that he was supposed to be in school when that happened.

"Alright, we have to find Daniel, and then you will have to tell papa what happened." I tell him.

"But he will be angry that I walked out of my class again." He tells me.

"Just tell him that you were going to the bathroom." I say.

"There are no bathrooms there." He complains.

"That's not good then." I say, and I sigh in frustration.

We walk towards the pack house, and when we reach it, we decide to go straight to papa's office, since he will most likely know where Daniel is.

I open the door without knocking, and papa lifts his head with an angry look, most likely getting ready to scold me for not knocking, but then he realises that it's me, and not some random pack member, so he puts down the pen that he is holding, and he motions for me to sit.

I go towards the chair, and Reggie follows behind me, making papa frown again.

"Reggie, what are you doing here?" He asks, and Reggie just shrugs, before he sits on the chair that is next to mine.

"Did you hear what your mate did?" Papa asks me.

"I have heard that he was trying to save a kid from his father." I tell him, not knowing what he's talking about.

"Well, he wasn't trying to save the kid, he attacked him, and then he attacked his father, after his father tried to stop him." Dad tells me, and I open my mouth to argue, but Reggie speaks before I can.

"His father attacked the boy!" Reggie yells in frustration. "I saw it." He tells papa.

"What do you mean. Why would you be there?" Papa asks.

"Because I skipped the class again, and I was walking around the pack house, then I saw Daniel, so I followed him, and soon his father showed up too." Reggie tells him, and then he tells him what he told me.

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