Chapter 37

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Tyler's POV

The next morning, we decide that we should go to the pack hospital, so the Doctor can check on Daniel's arm.

When we enter the pack hospital, we are instantly met by Chris, and he leads us towards one of the rooms.

Daniel sits on the bed, and Chris takes off the bandages that cover his arm, so he can see it better.

"It's already healed, as I told you the last time, so you will have to have a surgery to get it fixed." Doctor Chris tells him.

"Now?" He ask the Doctor.

"Well, it doesn't make any difference if we do it now or in a week, since it's already healed, but it will hurt until it's fixed, so we should do it today." Chris explains.

Daniel looks at me, so I smile at him, and I nod my head slightly, encouraging him to agree.

"Okay." He say.

"Good, I will make to operation room ready then." Chris tells us, before he disappears down the hall.

"I think all that he ever does is surgeries on broken bones." I say, and Daniel laughs slightly.

A few minutes later, papa comes inside the room, and I frown.

"How did you know that we're here?" I ask him.

"Chris told me." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask with a frown.

"Because I told him to let me know if anyone from my family is in the hospital." He explains.

"Fine." I say with an eye roll, before I cuddle closer to Daniel.

"So, how's your arm?" He asks Daniel.

"It will need a surgery, but it should be fine soon." Daniel responds.

"Theat good." Papa tells him. "Do you want me to stay here with you, while you will wait?" He asks me.

"If you want to." I tell him, and he nods, before he sits on one of the chairs.

Chris soon comes back, so I give Daniel a kiss  and he goes with the Doctor to the operation room.

Papa and I talk about some light topics, and soon Denver joins us, with one of his baby sons.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Rey fell from the couch, so I came here to let the Doctor check if he's alright." He explains.

"And you?" He asks.

"Daniel is having a surgery to fix a broken arm." I tell him.

"I haven't met him yet." He tells me.

"And you won't meet him today, because he will be sleeping for the next few hours, so you will have to finally come to our house for a dinner, so you can meet him." Papa tells us.

"I will." Denver tells him, with an innocent smile.

He doesn't visit very much, usually if we want to see him, then we have to go to his house.

But he has four little kids, so I know that he's busy all the time.

He come to sit on one of the chairs, and we talk about some nonsense, while we wait for the surgery to end.

Soon Chris brings a sleeping Daniel here, and he tells us that we should leave, so Daniel can rest.

The both of them leave , but I stay, I know that Daniel won't mind if I stay here with him while he recovers.

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