Chapter 33

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Tyler's POV

I go upstairs to make papa think that I'm going to sleep, he will most likely check if I'm sleeping when he will wake up, so I have to stay here for a while.

A few hours later, I finally hear that papa is leaving the house, and everyone else is gone too, so I can go out now.

I dress myself quickly, and I make sure that I have the key with me, then I walk out of my house, and straight to the cellars.

When I enter the cellars, Daniel is already awake, so I smile at him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" He asks me.

"No, papa said that I can skip today, because we decided to run around the woods last night, and when we came back it was already morning." I explain.

"Alright then." He says.

I sit on the blankets that are still laying on the floor, and I lean in to give him a kiss.

When we pull away, I see that his arm is in a bandage, so that means that the Doctor was already here.

"How's your arm?" I ask him.

"It's still broken, because the guards refused to let the Doctor take me to the hospital, so it still hurts when I try to move it." He explains, and I try to push the anger aside for now.

"At least your legs are fine." I say.

"Why?" He asks with arched eyebrows.

I show him the key, and I stand up to open the cellar.

"I don't think it's a good idea, your father keeps me here because the doesn't trust me, so it won't help if I just run away from here.

"Then we will live outside of the border for a while, until he learns to accept you." I tell him.

"And how will we know when he will start to accept me?" He asks.

"He will want me back, after not seeing me for a few weeks, so he will accept any conditions." I say, hoping that it's true.

I know that if he ever saw Oliver, then he would beg him to come back to our pack, so I guess that it would be the same with me.

"Alright." He says, and the he steps out of the cellars.

I look towards Ron, who is looking at me already.

"Do you want to get out of here too?" I ask him, but he shakes his head.

"I hate running, so have fun without me." He tells me, and I let out a laugh.

"Alright, we have to make sure that no one will see us, and we have to hit the guards that are outside of the door, so they won't catch us." I tell Daniel.

"I can hit them." He says, and I nod in agreement.

"When we get out of the pack house, we will run to the right, we will reach the border the quickest if we run there." I explain.

"Fine." He tells me, before he gives me a kiss, and then we walk towards the basement door.

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