Chapter 11

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Tyler's POV

I wake up with a headache, so I drink the water from the bottle that lays next to the bed.

I touch my ribs to make sure that I'm alright, and then I stand up, and I walk out of the room to find Chris.

When I step into the corridor, I smell an awesome smell, and I instantly recognise it as my mate.

It leads me to one of the rooms, so I knock lightly on the door, before I walk inside.

My mate groans when I come inside, most likely mistaking me for the Doctor, and I chuckle.

I look towards the bed, and I realise that my mate is a guy, which makes me sigh in disappointment, but I take this information better than I thought that I will.

He quickly sits up when he realises that I'm not the Doctor, and when I look at his eyes, it feels like the world around us stops for a moment.

We continue to look at each other, before I break the eye contact, and I take a step back.

I breathe deeply a few times to calm myself, and then I walk towards the bed that he's sitting on.

"What's your name?" I ask him, as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Daniel." He tells me. "What's yours?" He asks.

"Tyler." I respond, and we start to stare in each other's eyes again.

"Do you have to stay here?" I ask him after a while.

"No, I can go out already I was just waiting for you to wake up." He tells me, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"Let's go then." I say, but he looks reluctant to follow me.

"Aren't you supposed to stay here for a while longer?" He asks me.

"I feel fine, so I can go." I tell him with a shrug, but he looks at me with an arched eyebrows.

"Alright, I will tell Chris to check if I'm ready, he would have looked for me anyway." I say, rolling me eyes at him.

He smiles, and he follows me to the Doctor's office.

I knock on the door, and Chris opens it a second later, he smiles at me, and he takes me back to the room, so he can examinate me.

When he's done, he tells me that I'm free to go, so I take my mate to my house.

"Are you the new guy?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He tells me, with a chuckle.

"Thats great." I say, and he catches me when I trip, because I was looking at him instead of looking at the path.

"Are we going to the Alpha's house?" He asks, sounding slightly worried.

"Yeah, but don't worry, no one's in the house at this time of the day." I say, and he sighs in relief.

"I should have a guard with me." He tells me.

"I'm your guard for today." I tell him, and he smirks, making me roll my eyes at him again.

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