Chapter 9

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Tyler's POV

The instructor tells us to find ourselves a partner, to train fighting in our human forms.

Of course, I pick Saul, and we start the exercises that the instructor shows us.

A few minutes into the training, Saul tries to punch me in the ribs, and I can't block myself fast enough.

So, I groan in pain, and I reach my hand to cover my aching ribs.

"Goddess, I didn't mean to hit you that hard." Saul tells me.

I can't believe that I managed to get hurt only a few minutes after the training has started.

One of the instructors comes over, and he asks if I will need the help of the Doctor, so I tell him that I most likely will need some help, since I can barely manage to stand straight.

And then the instructor tells Saul to take me to the pack hospital.

On our way, I wish that someone else was helping me get there, since Saul doesn't stop talking about how sorry he is.

"I have told you about million times already that I'm not angry at you, it's a training, so people get hurt." I tell him, but he still keeps telling me his apologies.

I just roll my eyes at him, and I ignore him the rest of the way.

Thankfully, we finally reach the pack house, and I walk to the hospital as quick as I can, since I know that Saul will have to go back to the training, or he will get in trouble with papa for skipping it.

"I'll see you later." I tell him, and he apologises again, and then he finally walks off, so I go to the Doctor's office, but before I can knock, the door swings open, revealing Chris.

Chris officially replaced his father about a year ago, but his father helps him sometimes if there are a lot of patients.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris asks me.

"My ribs got hurt at the training." I tells him, wincing slightly when I remember the pain, at least I'm not in much pain anymore.

"Alright then, let's see them." Chris says, and he leads me to the room that is the closest to us.

I lay down at the bed, and he lifts my shirt to see my ribs properly, while I just stare at the ceiling.

"One is broken, but already almost healed, and we have to set it back in place, so a quick surgery will be necessary." He tells me, and I groan.

Sometimes I really hate to be the son of an Alpha, because my body heals very fast, so small injuries like this are usually ending up with a surgery, since the bones heal incorrectly, before I can even get to the Doctor.

Chris leaves me for a while, to get the operation room ready for me, and he comes back to take me there not much later.

I groan in annoyance, but I follow him out of the room, and through the corridor, to the room that is right at the end of it.

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