Chapter 40

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Tyler's POV

"Want to go on a walk?" I ask Daniel, when I enter the living room, where most of my family is sitting.

"Sure." He says, so I reach my hand towards him, and I pull him up to his feet.

We put our shoes on, and we walk out of the house, straight into the woods.

"We should go to the city soon, I don't think you've seen it yet." I say, and he nods his head in agreement.

When we're somewhere in the middle of the woods, we decide to sit down for a while, to enjoy the silence.

"I just remembered that Carter told me that you're supposed to be the next Alpha." Daniel tells me, and I nod.

"Yeah, that's true." I say.

"Is that why everyone here knows you, and looks at you all the time." He asks.

"Most likely." I tell him.

"Why isn't Denver the next Alpha? From what I know, he's older than you." He asks curiously.

"He was supposed to be an Alpha, but papa missed his birth, so he won't be able to pass the Alpha ceremony." I tell him.

"Oh." He says.

"Why are you asking?" I ask him.

"I was curious." He tells me with a shrug.

Daniel puts his arm around me, so I cuddle closer to him, and he kisses the top of my head.

"Do you even want to be an Alpha?" He asks me, and I frown, I have never even thought about it.

I like the attention that comes with the title, but I know that there are a lot of responsibilities that will fall on my shoulders if I will get the title.

"I wouldn't mind, I'm kind of used to having this title, papa told everyone that I will be the heir right after I was born, so I didn't really have any other option then to accept it." I explain.

"I don't think I will be a good Luna." He tells me, and I slap him lightly on his chest, making him wince.

"What was that for?" He asks me, with a playful glare.

"You shouldn't doubt in yourself." I tell him.

"Whatever." He says, with an eye roll.

"You'll be an amazing Luna." I assure him, but he shakes his head at me, as if I'm saying something stupid.

"By the way, do you want to tell me what did you talk about with that guy that papa made you talk to?" I ask, I wanted to ask about that last night, but I have fallen asleep before Daniel came back.

"I don't really want to talk about it, we just talked about the ways to calm down when I get very angry, and stuff like that." He explains.

"Okay." I say, not wanting to pressure him.

"Let's go a bit further." I tell him with a small smile, when I stand up.

He stands up too, so I take his hand, before I start to pull him with me again.

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