Chapter 19

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Tyler's POV

When I get back to my house, the kids are already back, and Daniel is talking with them.

I didn't expect him to stay here for the whole day, but I'm happy the he did, since I still don't have his number, and I would lose a lot of time if I would have to look for him.

I give him a quick kiss when I reach him, and Leon makes the sound of disgust.

"Behave." Noel tells him.

"Do you want me to punch you?" Leon asks him.

"You can try." Noel says.

I quickly stand between them, since I know that if no one will stop then, then they will end up breaking each other's nose, again.

My younger siblings like each other, and they like to play with each other whenever they have a chance, but Leon and Noel can't stand to look at each other, and they fight about anything that they can.

"There is no need to fight guys." I tell them.

"Then I will find some need." Leon tells me.

"Why is he so stupid?" Noel ask me, and I roll my eyes.

Go play with someone, I say looking at Noel, and he goes away to the other side of the living room, then I let Leon go, making sure that he goes in the opposite direction.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" I ask Daniel, and he shrug, so I take his hand, and I pull him towards the stairs.

When we reach my room, we kiss for a while in my bed, but we soon fall asleep.

The sound of the door opening wakes me up a few minutes later, so I look up to see who came here.

"What do you want?" I ask papa.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see why you're so quiet." He tells me, and then his eyes widen slightly.

"Were you trying to listen to our conversation?" I ask him.

"No?" He says, and I laugh quietly.

"I have to talk with you." He tells me.

I sigh in annoyance, but I stand up anyway, and I follow papa to the backyard.

"I broke up with Violet if you want to know." I inform him, I already know that he will be happy about this, since he hates her.

"That's good, you shouldn't have dated her in the first place." He tells me, and I decide to not answer, since if I will answer, then it will most likely end up with an argument.

"I wanted to tell you to keep an eye at Daniel, he might be quite dangerous, so don't hung out with him without someone around." He tells me, and I frown.

"Why are you telling me that." I ask.

"His father told me some things, and I don't know if they're all true, but I think most of them are." He explains.

"I don't believe that he could do something to me." I tell him.

"Just be careful around him." He says with a small smile, before he goes back to our house.

And I decide to stay outside for a while, to think about what he just told me.

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