Chapter 38

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Tyler's POV

A few days later, it's weekend again, so I don't have school, and there isn't any training today, so Daniel and I are free to do whatever we want to do today.

We start with a breakfast, and before we can finish eating it, the door bell rings, dad opens it, and I can hear that it's Denver with his mate and kids.

They go to the living room, so when Daniel and I finish eating, I lead him there too, so he can meet my brother.

I introduce them to each other, and we talk for a while, Denver and I used to argue every day, but since he moved out, we became a bit less mean to each other.

About an hour later, Daniel and I leave the house, so we can go for a walk.

We walk hand in hand, until we reach a lake, then we sit on the grass, and I cuddle to him for some warmth, since it's a bit cold outside.

"I have to tell you something." Daniel tells me.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Do you remember when I told you that I will tell you something, but I wasn't ready to tell you back then?" He asks, and I nod.

He takes a deep breath, and I grip his hand a bit tightest, to assure him that I will listen to everything that he has to say.

"I was kicked out of my pack, as you already know." He starts to explain.

"Because you have anger issues?" I ask, and he nods.

"Yeah, but it's not all." He says." I have killed a few people, and I have accidentally killed my mother, and sister." He tells me and I frown, not believing him.

"I was angry at my father, and I was about to hit him, but my mother tried to stop me, and when I turned around to face her, I have accidentally hit her stomach.

She was pregnant back then, and the hit made her loose the child, and then she died while having a surgery to remove my sister from her womb." He explains.

"Okay." I say, not knowing what else I can say.

"Are you disgusted with me now?" He asks, avoiding the eye contact.

"No, it wasn't intentional." I tell him.

"But the rest were intentional." He admits.

"You have untreated anger issues, so it's not full your fault either." I tell him, and he nods reluctantly.

"We should go back." I tell him after a while.

"Yeah." He tells me, so we stand up  and I take his hand into mine, before I lead him back towards my house.

When we get back, we make a lot of pizzas for dinner, and we share it with my family.

Denver stayed for dinner too, which made me miss Oliver and Alex, since now they're the only ones missing.

But it's still nice to have him, and his new family with us.

We eat the pizzas, and then all of us watch some random romance movie on the TV.

I cuddle close to Daniel, and I don't think that I will even be able to stay awake until the middle of the movie, since I'm already falling asleep.

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