Chapter 36

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Tyler's POV

"What were you thinking?" Papa asks, after we turn around to face him.

But I quickly realise that he isn't talking to neither Daniel or me, he's talking to Reggie.

"I wanted to come here too, and I found him a lot quicker than you did." Reggie tells him, with a proud smile.

"You're in way too much trouble to smile like that." He tells him sternly.

"Whatever." Reggie says, while rolling his eyes.

"Go to the guards, I have to talk with Tyler and Daniel." Papa tells him, and Reggie does as he was told.

"And what were you thinking?" He repeats the question, this time to us.

At least he doesn't seem as angry as he was with Reggie.

We don't respond, Daniel is looking at his shoes, while I'm looking at papa, neither of us know what to tell him.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, before he motions for us to follow him a bit further away from the guards, who are now waiting for us to join them, so we can go back.

"Come with me." He says, when he realises that we are still standing in the same place as before.

I take Daniel's hand, and I lead him towards papa, who's sitting under a tree, looking up at the sky.

We sit under one of the trees that are  nearby, and we turn our attention to papa.

"Are you angry?" I ask him.

"I'm not angry, but I was very worried." He tells me.

"Guys, I don't want to lose another one of my children, so you can't run away like that, it's unsafe here." He tells us, but we don't respond, so he continues.

"We will have to come up with some deal, because I won't let you go any further." Papa tells us.

"There won't be any deal if you will make Daniel go back to the cellars." I tell him firmly.

"He will be staying in our house again, but he will have to talk to that man that I have told you about." Papa says.

"Deal." Daniel says, before I can even consider it, so I look at him, and he nods his head, telling me that I should agree.

"Fine." I say.

"Let's go back then." He tells us, so we stand up, and we go towards the guards.

We shift, and papa takes Daniel, while one of the guards takes Reggie, and we run back towards our pack.

It's a lot easier to run, when I don't have to carry Daniel on my back.

We reach the pack a few hours after the sunset, and we go straight to our house.

When we reach it, I shift bakc to my human form, and I take Daniel's hand, then we go inside of the house, and right towards the fridge, since were both hungry.

When we finish eating, we go to my room to get some rest.

I hug him closer to me, and we both fall asleep very quickly, since we're exhausted from our adventure.

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