Chapter 41

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Tyler's POV

When I come back from school a few days later, Daniel isn't in the living room, but dad tells me that he's upstairs.

So, I go there, and when I walk inside my room, I can hear that Daniel is throwing up in that bathroom.

I quickly open the door, and I sit down next to him, resting my back against the wall while he throws up again.

I reach my hand to massage his back a bit, and he sighs in appreciation.

"Are you alright?" I ask him worriedly.

"I will be fine." He says.

We sit in the bathroom for a few more minutes, and then Daniel stands up, telling me that he's feeling better.

He reaches his hand for me, and he helps me up.

I lead him out of the bathroom, and towards our bed, where he lays down, so I cover him with a blanket.

I sit next to him, and I play with his hair for a while.

"I think you should go to the Doctor." I tell him.

"I will go to the pack hospital if I feel sick again." He tells me, and I agree.

"I would have thought that you're pregnant, but I know that your father isn't an Omega, and your mother was a woman so she couldn't be an Omega either, and that leaves no way for you to have a womb." I tell him.

"You can have a womb?" He asks me with wide eyes.

"Yes, but I really don't want to carry any children." I tell him.

"Okay." He says, still having slightly wide eyes.

"And I forgot to tell you, but papa overheard your father telling someone that he hurt that kid and that he blamed you, so papa kicked him out of the pack." I tell him, I can't believe that I forgot to tell him that.

"When did that happen?" He asks me.

"A few days ago, I wanted to tell you, but then I forgot about it." I tell him with an innocent shrug, hoping that he won't be upset that I didn't tell him sooner.

"Alright." He says, and then he pulls me closer to him, so we can cuddle.

"Just don't throw up at me." I tell him.

"I won't." He promises.

A while later, Daniel falls asleep, so I leave him on the bed, while I go downstairs, since I'm not tired at all, so it makes no sense to just lay on the bed for the next few hours.

"Daniel's sick." I tell dad, as I enter the living room.

"He should go to the Doctor." Mason tells me, and dad nods in agreement.

"I told him that, but we agreed that he will go if the feels sick again." I say, and dad gives me a slightly disapproving look.

"Don't look at me like that, I will force him to go there if he will be feeling sick when he wakes up." I tell him, and he chuckles slightly.

"Fine." He agrees, and I roll my eyes, before I sit next to him on the couch.

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