Chapter 42

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Tyler's POV

The whole family decided to visit Denver today, since he invited us for a dinner.

So, we all go there in the early afternoon, and when we enter Denver's house, we are greeted by Tyson.

"I still can believe that this house isn't a mess, and that the kids are still alive." Papa says, and dad smacks him on his back.

"Don't hit me for telling you the truth." Papa tells him, and everyone laugh.

Denver comes into view a few seconds later, with an unamused expression, giving papa a slight glare.

But I think it's unnecessary, since I know very well that Denver doesn't know how to clean, I have shared a room with him for a few years, and his side was anything but clean.

I decide to not say anything through, since that will lead to an argument, and after he moved out, I have promised myself that I won't try to start any arguments with him.

And he seems to realise that, since he doesn't want to argue either, although sometimes he looks like it's painful for him to keep his mean comments to himself.

Denver leads us to his back yard, since his dining room is too small to fit all of us.

Joseph is already there, looking at the sleeping babies that lay on the blanket beside him.

We sit on the grass, and I turn to look at Daniel.

"Are you sure that you feel alright?" I ask him, since he looks a bit more pale that usually.

"Yeah. Why?" He asks, with an arched eyebrow.

"You just don't look very good." I tell him.

"You're just worried that I was throwing up, I'm fine now." He assures me, before he leans in to give me a kiss.

I break it when I feel small hands grab my arm.

I look to my side to see that it's Tyson, he smiles at me, and I smile back, this is definitely one of my favourite kids in this family, the kid has smile on his face even if he's in pain.

"How's life?" I ask him.

"Better." He tells me, with a cute toddler voice.

"That's good." I say, and he nods, before he runs back towards Leon, to play with him again.

"Do you really don't want to have any kids?" He asks me.

"I never said that I don't want to have kids." I tell him.

"But you said that you don't want to carry any kids, and I can't carry then, so we won't be able to have kids." He explains.

"We can adopt." I tell him, and he nods in agreement with a small smile.

He cuddles me closer to him, but after a while he let's go, and he turns the other way.

I turn around to see him, and he throws up on the ground again.

"I told you that you didn't look very good." I say with a frown, I wonder if he didn't want to tell me that he was feeling sick.

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