Chapter 21

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Daniel's POV

I walk towards the pack house, I have decided to bring all my stuff to Tyler's house, since I have stayed there for a week now, and I don't even have any clothes there.

I quickly grab my stuff from my room, it's not even unpacked, so I just take the plastic bags, that have my thing in them, and I walk out of the room, locking it behind me.

When I get downstairs, I see my father, he still has a guard with him, but the guard is talking with some other guard, so the doesn't realise that my father makes his way towards me.

I consider if I should get out of here, before he can reach me, or if I should talk to him, I decide to stay, so he reaches me quickly, and he looks angry.

"Why are you walking around without a guard again?" He asks me.

"Because I don't need one anymore." I tell him, and he slaps me on the back of my head.

Before I even realise what's going on, I have him pressed against the wall in a head lock.

I have no idea how I get this much strength when I'm angry.

He already starts to look purple, but the guard pulls me away from my father, before I can do any more damage to his body.

I punch the guard in his stomach, and I go back to my father, but this time he's ready, and I get punched in my jaw, which hurts, but not enough to stop me.

I punch him until he's unconscious, but meanwhile I also have to punch the three guards that try to stop me.

When my father drops to the ground, I look around to see that there are a lot of people looking at me.

I glare at them, and most of them run away, not wanting to be next, I ignore the rest of them, whole I try to concentrate, since I have to escape the guards that are coming towards me.

There are a lot of them this time, someone most likely have already told them to come here.

They are almost surrounding me, so I decide to just run toward the front door, hoping that I will manage to escape somehow.

I punch one of the guards, and I manage to outrun another one, but the next one grabs me by my shirt, so I keep running, dragging him with me, while I punch him wherever I can.

After a few punches, he lets me go, so I run as fast as I can, and I reach the front door.

As I open it, I see that Tyler is walking towards the pack house, so I quickly run towards him with a panicked expression.

"What's wrong?" He asks, when he sees me running towards him.

I run past him, so he starts to run alongside me, and we run into the woods.

"Carter will be angry at me." I tell him, the anger has already faded, but now I'm panicking.

"Hey, calm down." He tells me, and he reaches his hand to stop me from running.

He puts his hand on my cheek, and I close my eyes to calm myself, but I don't get the chance to open them, because someone hits me on the head, making me unconscious.

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