Chapter 32

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Tyler's POV

I can't fall asleep, so I decide that maybe I should eat something first.

The house is quiet, since everyone is already asleep, so I try my best to make sure that no one will wake up because of me.

When I reach the ground floor, I take some snacks, and I sit in the living room, I eat silently but of course someone has to interrupt the peace.

"What do you want?" I ask papa.

"I heard that you walked downstairs, and I just wanted to make sure that you won't seak out." He tells me, and I glare at him.

"I will let him go, when I will know that we can trust him." He assures, pleading me with his eyes to forgive him.

"Why is his arm still broken?" I ask him.

"I didn't know that he broke his arm." He tells me with a frown. "I will send the Doctor there in the morning." He tells me, and he looks honest enough, so I believe him.

I just nod my head in acknowledgement, and he gives me a small smile, before he excuses himself.

I continue to eat my snacks, until I finish all that I have brought here, then I decide to go back upstairs.

When I walk past the hallway, I see papa's jacket, so I decide to see if maybe he has the keys to the cellars in one of the pockets.

"I have hidden the keys." Papa tells me, and I sigh in disappointment, before I put the jacket back in its previous spot, and I look up to see him.

"I'm not that stupid." He tells me, with an amused expression.

"You're more stupid than you realise." I tell him, and he laughs slightly.

"Want to go on a quick run?" He asks me.

"In the middle of the night?" I ask, and he nods.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Alright, I will go with you, if I don't then you will most likely don't even find your way back here." I tell him, slightly amused, and he says under his breath.

"What did you say?" I ask him.

"Let's go." He tells me, ignoring my question.

We go out of the house, and we shift into our wolves, then we run alongside each other for the next few hours.

When we get back to our house, the sun is coming up, and papa swears under his breath, when he realises how long we were out.

"You can skip school today, but I have to get some rest, because I have work to do." He tells me, before he disappears up the stairs.

I make myself some breakfast, and I decide to eat in the dining room.

Reggie joins me soon, and he has a huge smile on his face.

"What got you so happy?" I ask him.

He doesn't respond, he just shows me a key that he has in his palm.

I smile at him, and he hands it to me, before he leaves to go back upstairs, most likely to get some more sleep.

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