Chapter 27

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Daniel's POV

Tyler is in school again, and everyone else is busy, so instead of sitting at Tyler's house alone, I have decided to go to the pack house, hoping that I will find a friend.

When I reach it, it's almost empty, most of the people that are here, are the guards, but I prefer to sit alone in the pack house, instead of sitting in Tyler's house, so I go towards the teenagers' day room, and I sit on the couch.

I watch some movie on the TV, but I'm interrupted when someone comes inside of the room.

I look up, and I instantly regret that I decided to come here alone, since the person that is standing next to me is none other than my father.

I quickly stand up, and I look behind him to see if there is a guard with him, but no one's there.

"Where's your guard?" I ask him.

"I convinced the Alpha to tell the guards to leave me alone." He explains.

"What did you want from me?" I ask.

"I just wanted to ask if the rumours are true." He tells me.

"What rumours?" I ask, arching my eyebrow.

"Well, some people told me that they saw you kissing the Alpha's son." He says.

"The rumours are truth then, he's my mate." I tell him, and his expression changes from amused to angry, in a matter of seconds.

"You won't be mated to a male, I won't let that happen." He tells me.

"You don't have a say in that." I tell him, so he grips my arm, and he pulls me with him.

I let him drag me to the corridor, but then I pull my arm back harshly.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"To pack your things, you're leaving this pack, and I don't want to see you ever again." He tells me.

"Can't you go back to our former pack, and leave me here?" I ask him, unamused.

"Not, this pack is way better." He informs me.

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell him, and I start to go away, but I feel his hand grip my throat, so I quickly punch him, making him loosen the grip enough, and that allows me to escape.

"I'm stronger than you." I tell him.

"I don't care, if you won't go willingly than I will make the Alpha kick you out." He tells me.

"Carter likes me more than you, so he won't kick me out just because you told him to." I say confidently.

"But he will kick you out if he thinks that you're too dangerous to stay here." He tells me.

Before I can say anything else, he leaves, so I follow him to see what he's doing.

He walks into the room for kids, and there sits one boy, he's about seven, and he's playing on his phone.

I try to stop my father when I realise what he's trying to do, but before I can do that, he already punches the boy on his head.

When the boy lays on the ground, unconscious, I grab my father's arm, and I force him to move away from the kid.

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